Week 2 – Foundations Of Project Management


1. Suppose that as a project manager, you provide detailed plans and frequent project updates to both the team and stakeholders. What project management value does this represent?


·        Optimism

·        Delegation

·        Effective communication

·        Prioritization

Explanation: "Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation" is one of the values that Agile promotes, and one way to align with this value is to coordinate the provision of comprehensive plans and regular project updates with both the team and the stakeholders. Despite the fact that this Agile characteristic is most often linked with collaboration with customers, it really encompasses cooperation with any and all parties engaged in the project.

You are putting an emphasis on openness, open communication, and cooperation when you share specific plans and frequent updates with others. This method ensures that all stakeholders, including members of the team as well as external parties, are kept up to date with the development of the project, its approaching milestones, and any difficulties encountered or changes made to the original plan. It encourages collaboration by creating an atmosphere in which all parties involved are actively engaged and have the ability to contribute important input or criticism.

It is important to put a focus on the people involved and the interactions they have with one another rather than on the procedures or technologies used. Open communication and cooperation help to create a more dynamic and adaptable project environment, which in turn enables the team to react more effectively to changes in needs and circumstances.


2. As a project manager, you create plans, timelines, schedules, and other forms of documentation to track project completion. Which project management responsibility does this represent?


·       Managing the budget

·        Removing unforeseen barriers

·        Managing tasks

·        Planning and organizing

3. As a project manager on a product team, your stakeholders ask you to help the marketing team come up with a strategy to attract customers. What project management responsibility does this represent?


·        Collaborate with other teams at the organization.

·        Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.

·        Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks.

·        Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible.

Explanation: Providing assistance to the marketing team in the development of a plan to attract consumers corresponds with the project management role of "Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement." This duty requires maintaining an active engagement with stakeholders, gaining a knowledge of their requirements, and working in collaboration with other groups or departments to accomplish shared objectives.

4. What can a project manager do to recognize individuals’ efforts on a team?


·        Ensure team members have the correct skill sets for each project function.

·        Set up effective tools so the team can easily work together.

·        Learn what makes team members feel supported and provide positive feedback.

·        Define key items and encourage team members to ask questions. 

5. You’re a project manager on a team that is improving a product. How can you make sure the project stays on schedule?


·        Track daily product improvement tasks of team members in a spreadsheet.

·        Have a meeting with stakeholders to make them aware of product concerns.

·        Limit communication with stakeholders to avoid input until product launch.

·        Provide data and feedback about how customers interact with the product.

6. A project manager forgets to assess how national holidays and team member vacations will affect the project’s completion date. Now, because of team member time off, the project delivery will be two weeks late. What flexible planning strategy could the project manager have used to avoid the delay?


·        Enable decision-making

·        Escalate to stakeholders

·        Assessing external constraints

·        Use collaboration tools

7. Suppose that unless a teammate receives additional resources, they are going to complete an activity past a deadline. You know that the stakeholders are reluctant to provide additional resources. Which interpersonal skill can you use to strike a middle ground between both the teammate’s and stakeholders’ needs?


·             Positive attitude

·        Conflict mediation

·        Understanding motivations

·        Negotiation

Explanation: The project manager would have been able to better predict and minimize the effect of national holidays and team member vacations on the delivery date of the project if they had integrated resource calendar management into the planning process. This preventative strategy contributes to the maintenance of flexibility and resilience in the face of limited resource availability.


8. As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to effectively manage the project. Which of the following would a project manager do to effectively manage the project? Select all that apply.


·        Frequently communicate the larger project goal to the team.

·        Check in with the team as little as possible to increase productivity.

·        Change the project end goal to meet the needs of project tasks.

·        Understand the impact of each process within the project.

9. Fill in the blank: In project management, a _____ is a person or an organization that defines the project requirements. They also may set important guidelines, such as the budget and deadlines.


·        vendor

·        customers

·        competitor

·        teammate

10. Which of the following are examples of how a project manager empowers their team? Select all that apply.


·        Asks team members to get approval before communicating directly with stakeholders

·        Delegates project responsibilities

·        Uses team members’ input in project planning and execution 

·        Allows team members to make some decisions for the project

Shuffle Q/A 1

11. As a project manager you are transparent, which means being up front with plans and ideas and making information readily available. What project management value does this represent?


·       Effective communication

·        Optimism

·        Delegation

·        Prioritization

Explanation: The principle of "Openness" in project management is consistent with the practice of "Transparency." A dedication to openness may be shown by a project manager by their actions, such as being forthright with plans and ideas and making information easily accessible. Because of this transparency, there is a greater sense of confidence and cooperation among the members of the team. This is because everyone is on the same page and has access to the information they need to properly contribute to the project.


12. As a project manager, you choose the best project management methodology for your team and ensure they adhere to it throughout the project. What project management responsibility does this represent?


·        Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks.

·        Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible.

·        Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.

·        Collaborate with other teams at the organization.

Explanation: This obligation coincides with the "Method Adherence" notion that is used in project management. It entails choosing the project management technique that is best appropriate for the particular project and ensuring that the team adheres to it in a consistent manner throughout the duration of the project. Adhering to a methodology offers a systematic framework for planning, carrying out, and managing the project, all of which contribute to the success of the endeavor as a whole. It helps maintain uniformity and efficiency throughout the team's various work processes, which is another benefit.


13. What is an example of measuring progress for a cross-functional team?


·        Defining key items and encouraging team members to ask questions.

·        Learning what makes team members feel supported and giving positive feedback.

·        Asking team members if they anticipate being finished on time and, if not, how you can help them succeed.

·        Setting up effective tools so the team can easily work together.

14. You’re a project manager on a team that is improving a product. How can you enable your teammates to make decisions?


·        Keep the task schedule vague and allow flexibility on deadlines.

·        Require teammates to include stakeholders during brainstorming sessions.

·        Provide data and feedback about how customers interact with the product.

·        Limit communication with stakeholders to avoid their input until product launch.

15. As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to build a great team. Which of the following would a project manager do to build a great team? Select all that apply.


·        Address the team’s needs whenever it’s most convenient for the project manager’s schedule.

·        Take the time to understand each team member’s motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.

·        Allow the team members to have input and ask questions.

·        Understand the customer’s requirements to better shape the skills needed for the team.

16. Which of the following are examples of internal customers? Select all that apply.


·        Suppliers

·        Team members

·        Management

·        Organizational departments

17. As a project manager, you take the time to share the lessons that you, as a project manager, have learned. In doing this, you are utilizing interpersonal skills to fulfill what responsibility?


·        Controlling change

·        Communicating status and concerns

·        Teaching and mentoring

·        Planning and organizing

Explanation: It is important to show a dedication to the duty of "Knowledge Transfer" by sharing the lessons you have learnt as a project manager. You may add to the overall body of knowledge held by the group or organization by leveraging your interpersonal skills to share your observations, experiences, and lessons with the group or organization. This not only contributes to the process of continual development but also guarantees that others may learn from the knowledge you have obtained from your experiences managing projects. It is a fantastic opportunity to cultivate a culture of growth and improvement among the members of the team.

18. To be an effective project manager, what important actions/steps should you take?


·        Limit communication between team members so they can complete their work

·        Gain mastery over every detail of a project at all times

·        Ensure team members understand the team’s objectives and their individual tasks

·        Confirm team members handle the documentation and organization necessary to finish the project

19. When budgeting a project, what is the responsibility of a project manager?


·        Creating a schedule so team members know when their task should be complete

·        Controlling costs to ensure more money isn’t spent than what key stakeholders approved

·        Setting a period of time for a team member to complete an activity

·        Using a productivity tool to share information across the team

20. How can a project manager better communicate goals and clarify those goals for a cross-functional team?


·        Learn what makes team members feel supported and provide positive feedback.

·        Be direct and concise, avoiding extraneous details and explanations.

·        Ensure team members have the correct skill sets for each project task.

·        Record meeting notes and document how much work the team has completed.

21. After several years as a project manager, you’ve learned that project plans often face unexpected changes, even with careful upfront planning. When this happens, you are able to adjust while helping your team stay calm. Which core project manager skill set are you demonstrating with these behaviors?


·        Strong organizational skills

·        Enabling decision-making

·        Communicating and escalating

·        Flexibility

Explanation: You are displaying one of the fundamental skill sets associated with project management, namely "Adaptability." A important quality in a project manager is the ability to adapt plans on the fly and lead a group of people through unforeseen obstacles. To successfully manage hurdles, you need to be adaptable, creative in finding solutions to problems, and have a cool head under pressure. The capacity for adaptation makes it possible for the project to continue along its intended path in spite of the occurrence of unanticipated events.


22. A project manager's ability to guide teammates to complete their assigned work without acting as their direct managers is called _____.


·        conflict mediation

·        influencing without authority

·        understanding motivations

·        adjusting interpersonal dynamics

Explanation: The capacity of a project manager to help colleagues in completing the job that has been allocated to them without acting as their direct supervisors is sometimes referred to as "Influence" or "Influencing Skills." It entails directing and inspiring team members not via official leadership but rather by successful cooperation, communication, and persuasion rather than formal authority. This ability is essential for project managers in order to effectively lead a team without having direct management control over the members of the team individually.

Shuffle Q/A 2

23. As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to break down barriers to help your team succeed. Which of the following would a project manager do to break down barriers?


·        Make sure you clearly understand customer expectations.

·        Advocate for additional resources for your team.

·        Communicate the impacts of each process within the project to the team.

·        Understand each team member’s motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.

24. As a project manager, how can you protect the team from changes to the project? Select all that apply.


·        Clearly identify any project changes.

·        Limit communication outside the team once the project begins.

·        Let the stakeholders know how changes impact the budget and schedule.

·        Document initial expectations of the project.

25. Jamar just landed his first project management job with a construction company. Which of the following is necessary for Jamar to be an effective construction project manager?


·        Jamar must have a college degree in management.

·        Jamar must have a lot of experience in construction.

·        Jamar must help the engineers and construction workers communicate with one another to ensure that they are all on the same page.

·        Jamar must have a college degree in engineering.

26. As a project manager on a product team, which of the following activities would be the best way to ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible? Select all that apply.


·        Establish “escalation paths.”

·        Collaborate with other teams at the organization.

·        Give teammates ownership over specific pieces of the project and manage the tasks, not the person.

·        Choose the best project management methodology for your team and ensure they adhere to it throughout the project.

27. As a project manager, you learn that the stakeholders are changing the nature of the project and the team’s deliverables will change as a result. You aren’t sure how this will affect the team’s tasks. How will you handle this ambiguity and deliver the news to the team?


·        Tell them you’re upset with the changes and you didn’t make the decision

·        Tell them the vague updates from stakeholders so they know all the information that you do

·        Tell them there’s nothing you can do because the stakeholders fund the project

·        Tell them you care about the challenges they are facing and are there to support them

28. A key team member on the project you are managing decides to quit because they cannot come into the office every day. You offer to let them work from home three days a week, if they will stay on. Which interpersonal skill are you using?


·        Positive attitude

·        Negotiation

·        Conflict mediation

·        Understanding motivations

29. As a project manager, you ensure that everyone working on the project understands their task goal as well as the big picture goal for the finished product. This adds value to your project in which way?


·        Breaking down barriers

·        Fostering relationships

·        Managing the project

·        Focusing on the customer

30. As a project manager, you maintain an open door policy to build trust within your team and among stakeholders. In doing this, you are utilizing interpersonal skills to fulfill what responsibility?


·        Communicating status and concerns

·        Budgeting and controlling costs

·        Controlling change

·        Teaching and mentoring

Explanation: As a project manager, maintaining open communication and keeping an open door policy are both examples of the interpersonal skill known as "Building Relationships." This job entails fostering constructive connections and establishing an atmosphere of trust and cooperation both within the team and with the many stakeholders. A culture of openness and mutual respect may be fostered by the implementation of an open-door policy, which encourages team members and other stakeholders to openly communicate their opinions, concerns, and ideas.


31. Suppose that as a project manager, you assign tasks to the team members who can best complete them. What project management value does this represent?


·        Delegation

·        Prioritization

·        Optimism

·        Effective communication

Explanation: The concept of "Resource Management" or "Skill Allocation" in project management refers to the practice of delegating responsibilities to members of a team on the basis of the specific skills and experiences that they bring to the table. This value places an emphasis on the effective use of resources by ensuring that each member of the team is given responsibilities that are commensurate with their level of expertise and experience. By capitalizing on the skills held by each individual member of the team, it improves the overall performance of the group and makes a contribution to the fruitful conclusion of the project.


32. As a project manager, you keep track of project activities so that you can demonstrate progress to your stakeholders. Which project management responsibility does this represent?


·        Removing unforeseen barriers

·        Managing tasks

·        Utilizing productivity tools

·        Managing the budget

Explanation: Monitoring and controlling a project is one of the responsibilities of a project manager, and one of those responsibilities is to keep track of the activities associated with a project in order to show progress to stakeholders. This includes supervising the implementation of the project, monitoring performance, and ensuring that the project's goals are achieved. A project manager who maintains insight into the operations of the project may offer frequent updates to the stakeholders of the project, respond immediately to any possible difficulties that may arise, and ensure that the project is on track.


33. As a project manager on a product team, which of the following responsibilities are part of your role within the team? Select all that apply.


·        Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks.

·        Directly manage each team member working on the project.

·        Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible.

·        Collaborate with other teams at the organization.

34. As a project manager, one of your team members suddenly must leave your project to deal with a family emergency. To stay on schedule, you pull another team member off of a task that is not time-sensitive and assign him to the urgent task that your departing team member was working on. Which flexible planning strategy did you use to deal with this unexpected circumstance?


·        Enabling decision-making

·        Assessing external constraints

·        Planning for risks and challenges

·        Calculating “float” in your schedule.

Explanation: In this scenario, you choose to implement the adaptable planning method known as "Resource Reallocation" or "Resource Levelling." You are dynamically shifting your resources to deal with unforeseen events and situations when you move a member of your team from a job that is not time-sensitive to one that is urgent, for example because of a family emergency. This method helps guarantee that key tasks are done immediately, especially in the face of unanticipated circumstances, and contributes to keeping the project schedule. It also helps ensure that the project will be completed on time.

Shuffle Q/A 3

35. Why is it important for a project manager to build relationships with customers?


·        Because customers make money for the business

·        So that the other team members don’t have to talk to customers

·        Because a satisfied customer will attract more customers

·    Because customers define the project requirements

36. Yui is a project manager working for a clothing company developing a new line of winter sleepwear. Which of the following is necessary for Yui to manage this project effectively?


·        Yui must know every single detail about the project at all times.

·        Yui must ensure team members understand their objectives and have what they need to be successful in their tasks.

·        Yui must directly manage her team members while they do their tasks.

·        Yui must be able to do the things that each of her team members can do.

37. As a project manager, you're an expert at determining which tasks are most critical to the success of a project and helping team members identify and break down large tasks into smaller steps. What project management value does this represent?


·        Delegation

·        Prioritization

·        Effective communication

·        Optimism

Explanation: The usefulness of "Task Management" or "Task Breakdown" in project management refers to the capability of determining which tasks are most important to the successful completion of the project and assisting team members in breaking down big jobs into more manageable subtasks. This value places an emphasis on the significance of efficiently managing and arranging activities to guarantee that they can be completed, that they are clearly defined, and that they contribute to the overall goals of the project. To improve clarity, permit better resource allocation, and encourage effective task execution, complicated activities should be broken down into smaller, more manageable parts as much as possible.


38. You’re a project manager on a team that is improving a product. You employ a variety of helpful tools and templates, along with your familiarity of popular project management styles, to help you document the project throughout its lifecycle. Which core project manager skill set are you demonstrating with these behaviors?


·        Communicating and escalating

·        Enabling decision-making

·        Flexibility

·        Strong organizational skills

Explanation: You are exhibiting the fundamental skill set of "Documentation and Organization" for a project manager by documenting the project throughout its lifespan using a number of tools and templates, in addition to your knowledge with common project management methods. By doing so, you are proving that you are qualified to manage projects. This skill set includes the capability to properly record project plans, progress, and results by making use of the relevant tools and templates. It helps to ensure that there is clear communication, that information is shared, and that the project is successful as a whole.


39. Which of the following are examples of external customers? Select all that apply.


·        Consumers

·        Suppliers

·        Contractors

·        Team members

40. Which of the following is necessary to be an effective project manager?


·        You must trust team members on the technical aspects of a project.

·        You must know all of the technical details of a project before starting.

·        You must have a college degree in management.

·        You must have been in the project’s industry for at least two years.

41. As a project manager, you are careful to recognize team members’ particular strengths and match them to tasks they are most capable of completing. What project management value does this represent?


·        Delegation

·        Optimism

·        Effective communication

·        Prioritization

Explanation: The concept of "Resource Management" or "Skill Allocation" in project management refers to the process of identifying the specific abilities that individuals on a team possess and then assigning those individuals to the responsibilities that they are best suited to do. This principle highlights the necessity of recognizing the unique abilities and strengths of each individual member of the team and strategically allocating responsibilities in order to make the most of their respective contributions. Project managers may improve the overall performance of the team and raise the probability that the project will be successful if they assign people to activities that play to their unique strengths.


42. As a project manager, you use productivity tools and develop processes to improve information sharing across the team. Which project management responsibility does this represent?


·        Managing tasks

·        Managing the budget

·        Planning and organizing

·        Removing unforeseen barriers

Explanation: When it comes to project management, the role of "Communication Management" or "Information Sharing" may be aligned with the use of productivity tools and the development of procedures to increase information sharing within the team. In order to fulfill this obligation, you will need to establish efficient channels and procedures for communication within the team, see to it that information is disseminated in a timely manner, and make certain that all members of the team are properly informed. Project managers are able to improve cooperation, transparency, and the general success of their projects by making use of productivity tools and creating defined protocols.


43. Suppose you are trying to figure out how a team member prefers to receive positive recognition. Which interpersonal skill can you use to make this determination?


·        Work ethic

·        Understanding motivations

·        Conflict mediation

·        Negotiation

Explanation: Utilizing the interpersonal skill of "Active Listening" is one way to find out how a member of the team would rather be praised and acknowledged for their contributions. You may acquire insights into someone's communication style and preferences by attentively listening to their comments, analyzing their emotions, and asking questions that do not have a predetermined answer. Because of this, you will have the ability to personalize your strategy for offering positive acknowledgment in a manner that is meaningful to the recipient.


44. As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to build a great team. Which of the following would a project manager do to build a great team? Select all that apply.


·        Ensure the team knows that each individual is valued, trusted, and appreciated.

·        Bring on people with the right skills.

·        Address the team’s needs whenever it’s most convenient for the project manager’s schedule.

·        Communicate the impacts of each process within the project to the team.

45. As a project manager building a relationship with your customer, which of the following questions will help you focus on the customer? Select all that apply.


·        How did you hear of our organization?

·        Have you participated in any other projects with our organization?

·        What prompted you to ask for help at this time?

·        What is your hope for the outcome of this project?

46. What is an example of measuring progress for a cross-functional team?


·        Setting up effective tools so the team can easily work together

·        Recording milestones and documenting when tasks are completed

·        Learning what makes team members feel supported and giving positive feedback

·        Defining key items and encouraging team members to ask questions 

Explanation: Tracking the key performance indicators (KPIs) that indicate a cross-functional team's overall effectiveness and contributions toward project objectives is required in order to measure the success that the team is making toward its goals.

Shuffle Q/A 4

47. As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to build a great team. Which of the following would a project manager do to build a great team? Select all that apply.


·        Take the time to understand each team member’s motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.

·        Understand the customer’s requirements to better shape the skills needed for the team.

·        Allow the team members to have input and ask questions.

·        Address the team’s needs whenever it’s most convenient for the project manager’s schedule.

48. Which of the following is true of an effective project manager in an organization?


·        Have had a previous role in the organization sponsoring the project

·        Have personally met the project’s stakeholders

·        Must know all of the specific details of the project

·        Have the necessary skills, knowledge, tools, and techniques for the project

Explanation: An efficient project manager is analogous to the captain of a ship since they are responsible for navigating the project over the treacherous waters of tight deadlines, limited resources, and unexpected problems. They should be able to communicate effectively, be competent organizers, and be adept at finding solutions to problems. They need to be able to modify their sails whenever the wind direction changes, therefore flexibility and adaptability are essential. A competent project manager is also a team player who is able to grasp the strengths and limitations of their crew and use that knowledge to their advantage in order to effectively complete the project's destination.


49. As a project manager, you establish “escalation paths.” These allow you to quickly communicate task hindrances, also called roadblocks, to the right people. When escalating a roadblock, you document it and make sure everyone that needs to know is aware of the challenge. What project management responsibility does this represent?


·        Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks.

·        Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible.

·        Collaborate with other teams at the organization.

·        Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.

Explanation: This is the job of "communication and stakeholder management" under the umbrella of "project management." You can make sure that information concerning blockages or issues is shared effectively and reaches the necessary stakeholders in a timely way by developing escalation routes. These paths ensure that you are able to meet these goals. This preventative strategy assists in addressing problems as soon as they arise, modifying the project plan as required, and preserving openness both within the team and with external stakeholders.

50. An effective manager of cross-functional teams must have which of the following abilities? Select all that apply.


·        The ability to set up effective tools so the team can easily work together

·        The ability to ensure that each member of the team understands their role and how they support each other

·        The ability to identify skill sets needed to accomplish project tasks and T-shaped professionals with those skills

·        The ability to teach new skills to a T-shaped professional.

51. As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to break down barriers to help your team succeed. Which of the following would a project manager do to break down barriers?


·        Encourage stakeholders to provide feedback on new product features.

·        Keep the project within the budget approved by leadership.

·        Write clear goals for the project in the project’s documentation.

·        Provide support for the team as they try new approaches to find solutions.


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