Week 2 – Thinking like a UX designer

1. As a UX designer, one of the key challenges of getting to know your users is avoiding taking a narrow view of the user, or making assumptions that they have the same needs and wants as you do. To reach as many users as possible, which of the following questions should you understand about your user? Select all that apply.


·        Do my users have disabilities to consider–whether temporary, situational, or permanent?

·        Where are my users accessing the product or service?

·        How much are users willing to pay for the product service?

·        How familiar are my users with technology?

2. A designer completes the first three steps of the user-centered design process. This results in a design they hope will solve the end user’s problem. What is the final step in the process?


·        Prototype

·        Evaluate

·        Iterate

·        Ideate

Explanation: The process of user-centered design often concludes with iteration or testing as the last phase. When a design has been built based on user research, it is very necessary to test it with real people in order to collect feedback and discover new insights. It is possible for designers to revise and enhance the design depending on the answers of users via the usage of this iterative approach. This helps to ensure that the final product is more in line with the requirements and expectations of users. The efficacy of the design may be validated by testing, which may include usability testing, user feedback sessions, and other approaches. This is done before the design is implemented or made available to a broader audience.

3. When following the user-centered design approach, what should a designer do after completing initial user research to better understand the user?


·        Build on previous designs and make tweaks

·        Determine who your user is

·        Determine the most important user problem to solve

·        Test the design solution with real people

4. Design Thinking involves the following phases: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.


·        True

·        False

5. In which phase of Design Thinking would a designer create an early model of a product that demonstrates its functionality?


·        Test

·        Prototype

·        Ideate

·        Empathize

Explanation: You have it just correct! Empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test are the five essential stages of the Design Thinking process. These are the phases that are most important. A user-centric, iterative approach that stimulates creativity and problem-solving via a deep knowledge of user requirements and quick prototyping to explore and develop possible solutions is what this method is all about. The total process is comprised of many phases, each of which plays an important part in the creation of solutions that are designed to be user-friendly and creative. When it comes to your job or projects, have you ever had the opportunity to use Design Thinking?

6. What is a platform?


·        The design solution a designer uses to meet a user’s needs

·        The system a designer uses to create a functional and affordable design

·        The medium through which users experience a product

·        The screen size a designer selects to ensure the design is accessible for most users

7. Fill in the blank: Responsive web design allows a website to change automatically depending on _______.


·        the user’s connection speed

·        the cost of the device

·        the size of the device

·        whether the user is a customer

Explanation: The device at which it is being viewed or the size of the screen. A responsive web design guarantees that the style and features of a website are able to dynamically adjust in order to deliver the best possible user experience across a variety of devices, including desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones.

8. What does an equity-focused design approach seek to do?


·        Accommodate the needs of users with disabilities

·        Build products for one type of user, so the benefits can extend to many other types of users

·        Build products that meet the needs of specific individuals and groups who have been excluded in the past

Explanation: By placing an emphasis on fairness, inclusion, and accessibility throughout the design process, an equity-focused design approach works toward the goal of addressing and correcting systemic biases and disadvantages. It seeks to guarantee that goods, services, or systems are developed with respect for the different requirements, backgrounds, and skills of users, with the intention of decreasing or eliminating inequalities that are already present.

9. True or false? Screen readers are one of the most common assistive technologies for people with limited vision


·        True

·        False

Explanation: Indeed! The use of screen readers is, without a doubt, one of the most prevalent forms of assistive technology among those who have restricted vision. For the purpose of providing users with the ability to audibly hear the material that is presented on a screen, these software programs translate digital text into synthetic speech formats. Additionally, screen readers often provide navigation among the many aspects that are included on a website, which enables those who are blind or visually impaired to access digital information.

10. User experience should focus on the experience of existing users, and which other key group?


·        Users who are adapting to cloud-based technology

·        Users who are in the field of technology

·        Users who are about to become internet users

·        Users who are transitioning from desktop to mobile

Explanation: Not only should the user experience be centered on the experience of current users, but it should also be centered on the experience of future or inexperienced users. The designers are able to develop a more inclusive and user-friendly experience that caters to a wider audience by first gaining a knowledge of the requirements, expectations, and difficulties of both current users and future users, and then addressing those needs accordingly. This strategy contributes to the overall success and sustainability of a product or service by, among other things, attracting new customers and keeping the ones who are already using it.

11. People who do not identify as having a disability also benefit from the assistive technologies created for accessibility.


·        True

·        False

Shuffle Q/A 1

12. Fill in the blank: The term accessibility refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for _______.


·        People with motor disabilities

·        People with vision disabilities

·        People with special access to premium features

·        People who are deaf or hard of hearing

Explanation: Accessibility is a phrase that describes the process of designing goods, equipment, services, or places that are accessible to those who have impairments.

13. Which of the following is the correct order of the steps in the user-centered design process?


·        Understand, Specify, Design, Evaluate

·        Specify, Understand, Design, Evaluate

·        Evaluate, Design, Specify, Understand

·        Design, Specify, Understand, Evaluate

14. What is the first step of user-centered design?


·        Design

·        Evaluate

·        Iterate

·        Understand

Explanation: Generally speaking, the Research phase is the first stage in the user-centered design process. This entails gaining an awareness of the requirements, preferences, and behaviors of the consumers for whom you are building a product or service, as well as doing research on those aspects. The design process will be informed by the insights and data that are gathered via activities such as user interviews, surveys, usability testing, and other approaches; these activities are included in this process. In order to go on to the future stages of design and development, it is necessary to first get a comprehensive knowledge of the users and the environment in which they operate.

15. When designing cross-platform experiences, which platform should you focus on first when you build a new product?


·        The designer’s favorite platform

·        The platform that best meets your user’s needs

·        The platform that controls the largest market share

·        All platforms planned to launch

Explanation: In the process of building experiences that span many platforms, it is often suggested to concentrate on the platform that is most important or essential to the audience you are trying to reach. It is usual practice to refer to this as the "primary platform." The selection of the principal platform is contingent upon a number of criteria, including the demographics of the consumers you want to attract, the characteristics of the product you intend to sell, and the platforms on which your audience is most active.

In the event if the majority of your target audience is comprised of mobile device users, for instance, it may be advantageous to begin with a mobile-first strategy. If, on the other hand, your audience is more likely to interact with you on desktop computers or if they have a significant presence on a certain platform, you may give that platform the highest priority.

When doing user research, it is essential to determine which platform will serve as the principal platform, and then to align your design and development activities appropriately. You will be able to expand the experience to additional platforms after the core platform has been well-established. This will ensure that the user experience is uniform and optimized across a variety of devices and screen sizes.

16. What is responsive design?


·        Design that allows a website to change automatically depending on the size of the device

·        Design that can determine if a user is on a mobile device and automatically download an app

·        Design that frequently changes due to feedback from users

·        Design that responds differently to users who have signed in with an account

Explanation: One kind of web design and development is known as responsive design, and its primary objective is to provide users with an experience that is consistent and ideal across a wide range of devices and screen sizes. A desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone are all examples of devices that may be used to access websites or apps. The basic objective of responsive design is to develop websites or applications that can adapt and react to the features of the device that is being used to access them.

17. High contrast mode makes the interface easier to see for people with low vision.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: Unquestionably! Users with limited eyesight might benefit from the high contrast option, which is a feature that improves visibility and readability. It makes adjustments to the color scheme of the user interface in order to improve the contrast between the components of the backdrop, the icons, and the text. This makes the material more recognizable and simpler to see for folks who may have problems with the conventional color contrasts that are often used.

On the other hand, it is essential to keep in mind that the high contrast setting is not just advantageous for users who have limited eyesight. Additionally, it may be useful for users in a variety of settings, such as those who are in areas with low levels of illumination or those who just like an interface that is more noticeable and legible. This is a great illustration of how designing for accessibility can enhance the user experience for a wider range of people.

18. Assistive technology includes any product, equipment, or systems that can enhance learning, working, and daily living for people with disabilities. Which of the following assistive technologies can help people with limited vision? Select all that apply.


·        Voice control

·        Motion tracking

·        Switch

·        Screen readers

19. A designer is just starting the user-centered design process. What is the first thing they need to do?


·        Ideate new solutions based off other problems

·        Iterate on the design using what they’ve learned

·        Understand how the user experiences the product or similar products

·        Prototype with the wireframes they made

Explanation: Research is often the first stage in the process of user-centered design, which began with the design phase. During this stage of the design process, the designer is required to collect data and insights associated with the consumers for whom they are developing. Therefore, it is necessary to have a grasp of their requirements, habits, and preferences, as well as the environment in which they will engage with the product or service.

When doing research, it is possible to conduct activities such as user interviews, surveys, observations, and other approaches in order to get a comprehensive knowledge of the target audience. The purpose of this endeavor is to collect data that will serve to guide and inform the design process, with the ultimate objective of ensuring that the final product satisfies the customers' genuine requirements and expectations.

Therefore, the first thing that a designer need to do is begin the research phase in order to provide a strong basis for the process of user-centered design.

20. User-centered design begins with the step: understand. What is the second step of the process?


·        Specify

·        Iterate

·        Design

·        Evaluate

Explanation: "Define" is often the second stage in the user-centered design process, which comes after the "Understand" part of the process. This phase involves the designers doing an analysis and synthesis of the material that was obtained during the understanding phase in order to determine the fundamental issues and difficulties that need to be solved. In order to do this, it is necessary to explain the insights that were obtained from user research, to recognize trends, and to frame the design challenge in a manner that will drive the ensuing design and ideation process. During the "Define" phase, the groundwork is laid for the development of solutions that are both focused and successful, based on a strong knowledge of the objectives and goals of the user.

21. In which phase of Design Thinking will a designer gain insights about future improvements to the product?


·        Prototype

·        Test

·        Ideate

·        Empathize

Explanation: Within the framework of Design Thinking, the Testing phase is often when ideas on potential future enhancements to the product are obtained. Testing is the phase of the Design Thinking process in which designers may collect feedback from users on the prototypes or solutions that have been built. While each step of the process offers essential information, testing is the ultimate phase.

The designers are able to see how people engage with the product, discover areas that want improvement, and get an understanding of consumer preferences when they test prototypes with users. The results of this iterative testing approach give insights that may be used to guide further revisions of the design as well as subsequent modifications. During the testing phase, the product is refined and optimized based on the experiences and input of actual users. This step is very important.

22. Which of the following are best practices when designing for mobile experiences? Select all that apply.


·        Keep navigation buttons short and simple

·        Place call-to-action buttons front and center

·        Create unique color schemes for each platform

·        Design a custom app, to direct all users to a single platform experience

23. A designer builds a product that meets the needs of specific individuals and groups who have been excluded in the past. What type of design are they practicing?


·        Equity-focused design

·        Inclusive design

·        Mobile-first design

·        Universal design

Explanation: An inclusive design approach is being used by the designer. The term "inclusive design" refers to a methodology that aims to develop goods, services, and settings that take into account the requirements of a wide variety of consumers, including those who have historically been excluded or marginalized. The purpose of this endeavor is to guarantee that the solutions that have been built are accessible and useful by the greatest number of individuals feasible, irrespective of their capabilities, histories, or features. Inclusive design goes beyond just accommodating certain groups and instead works toward the creation of experiences that are accessible and welcome to all individuals throughout the world.

24. A user with limited vision is interacting with a mobile device. Software on the device narrates the on-screen text, interactive elements, and alternative text for images. What assistive technology does this scenario describe?


·        Screen assistant

·        Screen reader

·        Screen modification

·        Screen sense

Explanation: The circumstance that you described is consistent with the use of a keyboard and mouse. For the purpose of assisting users who are blind or have restricted vision, a screen reader is a piece of assistive technology software that reads out loud the text that is shown on the screen, as well as any interactive components and alternate text for pictures. By turning visual input into synthesized speech or Braille output, this technology makes it possible for users to engage with digital material. Through this, accessibility is improved, and those who have visual impairments are given the ability to explore and interact with material on digital platforms such as computers, mobile devices, and other digital platforms.

Shuffle Q/A 2

25. Which of the following are examples of assistive technology? Select all that apply.


·        Voice control

·        High contrast mode

·        Switch

·        Monitor

26. User-centered design begins with the steps Understand and Specify. What is the third step of the process?


·        Evaluate

·        Iterate

·        Design

·        Specify

Explanation: According to the user-centered design process, the third stage, which often comes after the steps "Understand" and "Specify," is "Design." During this phase, designers put the knowledge they have obtained from knowing the consumers and describing the requirements to use in order to produce design solutions that are concrete. This includes activities like as brainstorming, drawing, wireframing, and the creation of prototypes that specifically meet the user requirements and issues that have been discovered. The "Design" phase is responsible for laying the groundwork for the subsequent phases in the creation of the answer or product.

27. What are the benefits of following a UX design framework? Select all that apply.


·        UX frameworks promote iteration to design the right user experience.

·        UX frameworks focus on the user.

·        UX frameworks support creating solutions that address the user’s problem.

·        UX frameworks focus on earning the most money.

28. In which phase of Design Thinking would a designer learn more about the user and their problems, wants, and needs?


·        Test

·        Prototype

·        Ideate

·        Empathize

Explanation: In Design Thinking, the phase known as "Empathize" is the phase in which a designer works to get a deeper understanding of the user, including their issues, desires, and requirements. During this first stage, the designers' primary objective is to get a comprehensive comprehension of the consumers for whom they are developing. In order to empathize with the users, discover their viewpoints, and identify the issues they confront, this requires taking part in activities such as doing research, conducting interviews, making observations, and other activities. During the Design Thinking process, the insights that are obtained during the Empathize phase serve as the basis for the future stages, which are Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test.

29. What types of platforms does a designer need to keep in mind when designing a product? Select all that apply.


·        Television (TV)

·        Mobile apps

·        Books

·        Desktop

30. Which of the following are best practices when designing for mobile experiences? Select all that apply.


·        Design for both directions a phone might be held

·        Create a smaller version of the desktop experience

·        Use familiar gestures like tapping and swiping

·        Reduce visual clutter

31. A user with limited vision is interacting with a mobile device. Software on the device allows the user to navigate and interact using their voice. What assistive technology does this scenario describe?


·        Speech assistant

·        Screen readers

·        Voice control

·        Alt control

Explanation: The situation that you mentioned is consistent with the use of Voice Recognition Software as a form of the technology that provides assistance. Voice recognition software gives users the ability to do tasks such as controlling a device, navigating interfaces, and interacting with information by utilizing spoken instructions. Due to the fact that it enables those with limited eyesight or mobility problems to access and utilize mobile devices via voice input, this technology is very helpful for such folks.

32. What is user-centered design?


·        Design that predicts the needs of users and allows potential users to experiment with prototypes

·        Design that allows users to assist in creating a prototype of a product with their own personal knowledge of design

·        Design that focuses on the user’s story and emotions as well as the insights a designer gathers

·        Design that is data-focused and relies on trends and patterns to ensure a product will be desirable

Explanation: User-centered design, often known as UCD, is a means of developing goods, services, or systems that places an emphasis on the requirements, preferences, and actions of the people who will ultimately be using them. The major objective of user-centered design is to develop solutions that are not just user-friendly and effective, but also beneficial and pleasant for the individuals who will be using them.

33. Fill in the blank: A framework creates the basic structure that focuses and supports a problem that you’re trying to solve, like an outline for a project. UX designers use various frameworks to organize their approach to designs based on ____________ and the type of organization they work for.


·        their ability to multitask

·        the type of products they design

·        the design tools that they use

·        their interviewing skills

Explanation: In the same way that an outline for a project is similar to a framework, a framework is the fundamental structure that focuses and supports an issue that you are attempting to address. UX designers make use of a variety of frameworks in order to structure their approach to design in accordance with the requirements of users, their objectives, and the kind of organization for which they operate.

34. Previously, designers were primarily designing for a desktop platform. Now, they are designing for many different platforms and products need to adapt to whatever screen the user is on. What type of design helps designers accomplish this?


·        Responsive

·        Minimalist

·        Mobile

·        High contrast

Explanation: When it comes to design, the term "responsive design" refers to the sort of design that assists designers in adapting to various screen sizes and platforms. It is a method that allows websites and apps to automatically modify and optimize their layout, content, and functionality dependent on the device or screen size on which they are viewed. This method is known as responsive design. This guarantees that users will have a consistent and user-friendly experience across a variety of devices, such as desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones. In the present environment, where people access digital material from a broad variety of devices with variable screen sizes and resolutions, responsive design is an extremely important aspect of the design process.

35. What should you consider when creating an equity-focused product?


·        Accommodating the needs of users who are in the primary market segment for a product.

·        Accommodating the needs of users with disabilities

·        Accommodating the needs of users who have been historically excluded from the design process.

·        Accommodating the needs of all possible users, using a one-size-fits-all design approach.

36. Assistive technology includes any product, equipment, or systems that can enhance learning, working, and daily living for people with disabilities. Which of the following assistive technologies can help people with limited dexterity? Select all that apply.


·        Color modification

·        Switch

·        Voice control

·        Screen readers

37. Fill in the blank: Digital literacy refers to the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both _____.


·        cognitive and technical skills

·        equipment and education

·        money and time management skills

·        knowledge and wisdom

Explanation: The capacity to utilize information and communication technology to locate, assess, produce, and convey information is referred to as digital literacy. This ability requires both technical skills and critical thinking on the part of the individual.

Shuffle Q/A 3

38. What is the final step in user-centered design?


·        Evaluate

·        Understand

·        Design

·        Iterate

Explanation: When it comes to user-centered design, the last phase is often the iterative process of testing and improving the product depending on the input receiving from users. It is essential to complete this phase in order to guarantee that the product satisfies the requirements and requirements of its consumers. Following the completion of testing, designers collect input, make any required improvements, and continue to enhance the product until it reaches the highest possible level of usability and users' pleasure. In order to create a design that is user-centered and successful, it is essential to go through this iterative process of testing, listening to input, and making adjustments.

39. In which phase of Design Thinking would a designer come up with as many design solutions as possible?


·        Prototype

·        Test

·        Ideate

·        Empathize

Explanation: The "Ideate" phase is the phase that is often referred to in Design Thinking. During this phase, a designer is tasked with coming up with as many design concepts as they possibly can. During this stage, the objective is to come up with a broad variety of creative ideas without holding any judgments against them. The designers and members of the team participate in brainstorming sessions, drawing, and other tools for ideation in order to investigate a wide range of options and possible solutions to the design issue. In lieu of instantly assessing or narrowing down the available possibilities, the focus is placed on the amount and diversity of options. After a large number of ideas have been developed, the subsequent phases consist of refining and choosing the concepts that indicate the greatest potential for future growth.

40. Fill in the blank: During the empathize phase of the design thinking process, your primary goal is to _____.


·        align as a team

·        learn more about the user

·        generate as many ideas as possible

·        determine the problem that will be solved

Explanation: As you go through the empathize phase of the design thinking process, your major objective is to get an understanding of the requirements, viewpoints, and experiences of the users.

41. During the test phase (also known as the evaluate phase), you’re trying to determine if the design that you created actually solves the user’s problem. What are some best practices to follow when conducting usability testing during the test phase? Select all that apply.


·        Analyze the usability testing results.

·        Tell your users exactly how to accomplish the tasks you’ve asked them to do.

·        Observe, listen, and take notes while the user completes the tasks.

·        est your prototype with real people who represent your user.

42. What is a brand identity?


·        How a company develops marketing and advertising

·        The marketing team’s output

·        What users think of a company

·        The visual appearance and voice of a company

43. Fill in the blank: Equity-focused design is both accessible and fair to _____ .


·        the next billion users

·        all genders, races, and abilities

·        all target users

·        the general public

Explanation: All persons, regardless of their background, talents, or circumstances, are able to access and benefit from equity-focused design, which is both accessible and fair.

44. A user with limited vision is interacting with a mobile device. Software on the device is making the text easier to read by changing the color of the text. What assistive technology does this scenario describe?


·        High contrast mode

·        Reading mode

·        A switch

·        Alternative text

Explanation: The following example provides an explanation of how an assistive device known as a "Screen Reader" may be used. Individuals who have visual impairments or poor eyesight may access digital text via the use of screen readers, which are software tools that transform digital text into synthesized voice. In this particular instance, the software on the mobile device is modifying the color of the text in order to improve its readability. This is a function that is often included in accessibility settings meant for people who have difficulties with their vision.

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