1. Fill in the blank: A business decides what kind of data it needs, how the data will be managed, and who will be responsible for it during the _____ stage of the data life cycle.

  • manage
  • analyze
  • capture
  • plan

Explanation: Making plans! The phase of strategic planning is the phase in which a company begins to create the foundation for its data journey.

2. The destroy stage of the data life cycle might involve which of the following actions? Select all that apply.

  • Uploading data to the cloud
  • Shredding paper files 
  • Storing data for future use
  • Using data-erasure software 

3. During the capture stage of the data life cycle, a data analyst may use spreadsheets to aggregate data.

  • True
  • False

Explanation: Unquestionably! Spreadsheets are comparable to the data wranglers that are used during the gather stage. By doing so, they assist in the collection and organization of all of that raw data into something that is more manageable and important for study.

4. Fill in the blank: The data life cycle has six stages, whereas data analysis has six _____.

  • key questions
  • process steps 
  • data types
  • data analytics tools

Explanation: The dimensions! When it comes to the field of data analysis, these six dimensions are helpful in navigating and comprehending the complexities of the data environment.

5. What actions might a data analytics team take in the Act phase of the data analysis process? Select all that apply.

  • Putting a plan into action to help solve the business problem
  • Sharing analysis results using data visualizations
  • Finalizing a strategy based on the analysis
  • Validating insights provided by analysts

6. Fill in the blank: A formula is a set of instructions used to perform a specified calculation; whereas a function is _____.

  • a computer programming language
  • a particular value
  • a question written by the user
  • a predefined operation 

Explanation: Just like a pre-packaged set of instructions, a function is just that! It is an operation that has been specified and has the ability to receive input, carry out a certain activity, and deliver an output. Calculations are like superheroes due to the fact that functions are always ready to come to the rescue with only a simple call.

7. Fill in the blank: To request, retrieve, and update information in a database, data analysts use a ____.

  • dashboard
  • query 
  • calculation
  • formula

Explanation: Query on the System! It is comparable to a magic spell that enables data analysts to conjure forth the information they want from the vast regions of databases.

8. Fill in the blank: Structured query language (SQL) enables data analysts to _____ the information in a database. Select all that apply.

  • Visualize
  • Request 
  • Retrieve 
  • Update 

9. The manage stage of the data life cycle is when a business decides what kind of data it needs, how the data will be handled, and who will be responsible for it.

  • True
  • False 

Explanation: What a close call! When it comes to the data life cycle, the "manage" stage is primarily concerned with monitoring and regulating the data during its entire lifespan. Discretionary choices must be made about storage, security, and access. At the planning stage, on the other hand, the specifics of what data is required and how it will be maintained are worked out. This is where the nitty-gritty details are smoothed out. So, it's like planning is the one who sets the scene, and management is the one that steals the show!

10. A data analyst uses a spreadsheet function to aggregate data. Then, they add a pivot table to show totals from least to greatest. This would happen during which stage of the data life cycle?

  • Capture
  • Manage
  • Plan
  • Analyze 

Explanation: The "analyze" step of the data life cycle seems like it would be a great time to celebrate! Numbers are being crunched by the data analyst, functions are being used to aggregate data, and a pivot table is even being thrown in for good measure. This is similar to the stage when raw data is transformed into insights that have significant significance.

11. The data life cycle deals with the stages that data goes through; data analysis involves following a process to analyze data.

  • True 
  • False

Explanation: Absolutely! The data life cycle is the journey that data takes from the time it is created until it is either destroyed or archived. It includes phases such as capturing, managing, and analyzing the data, among other stages. On the other hand, data analysis is the act of evaluating, cleansing, manipulating, and modeling data in order to identify meaningful information, make conclusions, and provide support for decision-making. When it comes to making sense of the digital world, they are the equivalent of two sides of the same data coin, functioning together.

12. A company takes insights provided by its data analytics team, validates them, and finalizes a strategy. They then implement a plan to solve the original business problem. This describes which step of the data analysis process?

  • Process
  • Share
  • Analyze
  • Act 

Explanation: What you are describing seems like the "Act" part in the process of data analysis! It is the culmination of everything, the point at which the discoveries are not only accepted but also put into action. The process of transforming such data-driven insights into observable enhancements for the company involves a number of important processes, including validation, the completion of a strategy, and the execution of a plan.

13. What is the main difference between a formula and a function?

  • A formula is used to add or subtract; a function is used to multiply or divide.
  • A formula begins with an equal sign (=); a function begins with an asterisk (*).
  • A formula can be used multiple times in a spreadsheet; a function can only be used once.
  • A formula is a set of instructions used to perform a specified calculation; a function is a preset command that automatically performs a specified process. 

Explanation: A collection of instructions that you construct in order to carry out a calculation in a spreadsheet or other software of a similar kind is known as a formula. It's the same as telling an individual, "Do this particular math on these cells."

On the other hand, a function is a kind of action or job that has been established and that the program is already familiar with how to carry out. You need just provide the function with the required inputs, and it will take care of everything else. It's similar to having a tool that's designed specifically for a certain task.

In a nutshell, a formula is something that you develop in a step-by-step manner, but a function is an activity that is already built in and ready to be used.

14. Structured query language (SQL) enables data analysts to communicate with a database.

  • True 
  • False

Explanation: Unquestionably! It is possible for data analysts to communicate with databases by sending instructions using SQL, which is similar to the language used by databases. As the bridge that links analysts to the rich troves of information that are kept in databases, it enables analysts to access, modify, and manage data in an uncomplicated manner. Talk about being well-versed in data!

15. In the analyze stage of the data life cycle, what might a data analyst do? Select all that apply.

  • Choose the format of spreadsheet headings
  • Use spreadsheets to aggregate data 
  • Use a formula to perform calculations 
  • Create a report from the data 

16. Describe how the data life cycle differs from data analysis

  • The data life cycle deals with identifying the best data to solve a problem; data analysis is about asking effective questions.
  • The data life cycle deals with transforming and verifying data; data analysis is using the insights gained from the data.
  • The data life cycle deals with making informed decisions; data analysis is using tools to transform data.
  • The data life cycle deals with the stages that data goes through during its useful life; data analysis is the process of analyzing data. 

17. Fill in the blank: A function is a predefined operation, whereas a formula is _____.

  • a computer programming language
  • a predefined statement
  • a particular value
  • a set of instructions used to perform a specified calculation 

Explanation: A formula is comparable to a set of instructions that are developed just for you! It is a computation that is user-defined and will be created by merging a number of different components. From this perspective, a formula may be thought of as a customized recipe for your data computations, and a function can be thought of as a ready-to-use meal.

18. Fill in the blank: A query is used to _____ information from a database. Select all that apply.

  • visualize
  • update 
  • retrieve 
  • request 

19. In which stage of the data life cycle does a business decide what kind of data it needs, how the data will be managed, and who will be responsible for it?

  • Manage
  • Analyze
  • Plan 
  • Capture

Explanation: At this point in the data life cycle, we are at the planning stage! On the other hand, it is comparable to the phase of planning in which a company establishes the foundation for its data journey. All of the decisions that need to be made on what data is required, how it will be maintained, and who will be in charge of the data are included in the planning stage.

20. A data analyst is working at a small tech startup. They’ve just completed an analysis project, which involved private company information about a new product launch. In order to keep the information safe, the analyst uses secure data-erasure software for the digital files and a shredder for the paper files. Which stage of the data life cycle does this describe?

  • Archive
  • Manage
  • Destroy 
  • Plan

Explanation: This seems to be the stage of the data life cycle that is dealing with disposal! In a responsible manner, the data analyst is removing data that is no longer required, making certain that confidential firm information is safely removed from both digital and physical files. It is similar to throwing a party for data, with the goal of ensuring that it departs the stage in a secure manner and without leaving any traces behind.

21. A company takes insights provided by its data analytics team, validates them, and finalizes a strategy. They then implement a plan to solve the original business problem. This describes the share step of the data analysis process.

  • True
  • False 

Explanation: What a close call! What you are saying is more in line with the Act phase of the process of data analysis being carried out. This is the stage at which the insights are not only accepted, but also put into action by validating, completing, and putting into action a plan to solve the business challenge. In most cases, the "share" stage in the process entails sharing the results and insights to the stakeholders, while the "Act" phase is when the actual implementation takes place.

22. A data analyst wants to retrieve information from a database. Select the correct tool from the data analyst’s toolkit.

  • Dashboard
  • Query 
  • Visualization
  • Spreadsheet

Explanation: A query is the tool that should be used whenever you need to get information from a database. Data analysts interface with databases via the use of queries, which allows them to get particular data that they want for analysis. You may think of it as the magic spell that unlocks the doors to the database world and brings out the information that you are looking for.

23. Data analysts use queries to request, retrieve, and update information within a database.

  • True 
  • False

Explanation: Unquestionably! Data analysts and databases are connected by queries, which serve as a communication bridge between the two. Analysts are able to submit queries, get particular information, and even edit data inside the database to take use of these capabilities. For the purpose of gaining the necessary insights, it is similar to having a conversation with the database.


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