Week 1 – Beginning The Planning Phase


1. Fill in the blank: _____ is the method where a project manager reviews all individual tasks and rolls the tasks into manageable chunks that lead to a milestone.


·        Team scheduling

·        Bottom-up scheduling

·        Top-down scheduling

·        Goal scheduling

 Explanation: "Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the method where a project manager reviews all individual tasks and rolls the tasks into manageable chunks that lead to a milestone."


2. Fill in the blank: _____ is the method where a project manager reviews all individual tasks and rolls the tasks into manageable chunks that lead to a milestone.


·        Risk management

·        Budgets

·        Customer feedback

·        Schedules


3. What four items do stakeholders need to approve before the planning phase can begin


·        Project charter

·        Project deliverables

·        Project name

·        Project goals

·        Project scope

Explanation: Before moving on to the planning phase of the project, stakeholders would often want to get their approval on the project's scope, timetable, budget, and risk management strategy. It is the same as receiving their authorization to go on with the project before setting sail.

4. Suppose as a project manager, you notice that a new government regulation may add additional tasks to the project. You bring your concern about this new regulation to the stakeholders for a discussion on how to mitigate its impacts. What component of the planning phase does this situation represent?


·        Schedule

·        Budget

·        Task management

·        Risk management

Explanation: Oh, that's a great example of tried-and-true risk management in operation. When unanticipated elements emerge, such as newly implemented government rules, it is necessary to convene the relevant parties and have a good old-fashioned conversation about how to proceed in these unknown seas. Being proactive and adjusting one's course to account for the shifting winds of change is essential.

5. Suppose that as a project manager, you’re running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you give examples of tasks that you consider part of the project, and tasks you consider not part of the project. What agenda section does this represent?


·        Roles

·        Background

·        Questions

·        Goals and scope

Explanation: It seems as if you're getting into "Defining Scope" zone now. At the beginning of a project, it is essential to have a meeting called the kick-off meeting in which boundaries are established and it is made very clear what aspects of the project come within the scope and what aspects do not. Everyone has to be aware of the location of the X before the treasure hunt can begin. This is analogous to sketching the treasure map before the search starts.

6. Suppose as a project manager, you’re running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you present the shared project tools and documents. You also tell the team they will communicate through a team chatroom and will receive daily email updates. What agenda item does this represent?


·        Scope

·        Intended outcome

·        Collabration

·        Project purpose

Explanation: Oh, you must be referring to the "Communication Plan" which is now in the limelight. Establishing how the team will interact with one another and providing each other with the tools and documentation they will need is analogous to distributing the keys to a well-kept castle. It paves the way for a productive and uncomplicated working relationship. Prepared to break down barriers and achieve project success!


7. Which of the following would you consider a project milestone?


·        Project manager reviews mock-ups

·        Web designer creates a proposal

·        Client approves website design

·        Web designer implements feedback


8. Suppose that as a project manager you had a goal of publishing a report. Which of the following would you consider the milestone for this goal?


·        Draft sections of the report

·        Interview a writer

·        Complete first draft of report

·        Conduct research

Explanation: In the context of the production of a report, a milestone may be anything like reaching the end of the phase devoted to research or producing the first draft of the material. It is an important milestone that denotes more progress toward the ultimate objective of releasing the report.


9. As a project manager, what is your first step when setting milestones?


·        Consider the needs of your stakeholders

·        Review the project as a whole

·        Assign deadlines

·        Have a team meeting

Explanation: First things first: locate your compass and map in your inventory. In other words, the first step is to define the scope of the project as well as its goals. When you have a better idea of where you want to go, it is much easier to determine when and when you should reach important milestones along the way. To successfully sail the project waters, it is comparable to mapping stars in the sky.

10. When assigning tasks to team members, what two factors should you mainly consider?


·        Project timeline

·        Task interest

·        Task novelty

·        Overall workload

Explanation: When it comes to assigning responsibilities, it's a lot like playing matchmaker. You need to take into account the team member's availability as well as their current workload, in addition to their talents and knowledge. By doing so, you can ensure that they have the appropriate tools in their toolbox for the task at hand. The successful completion of a project depends on striking a balance between these many aspects.


Shuffle Q/A 1

11. Generally, how long should a kick-off meeting last?


·        About one hour

·        Less than 20 minutes

·        One full work day

·        Two-hours, and extend if attendees have questions

Explanation: A meeting to start things off should be comparable to the first act of a fantastic show: it should be lengthy enough to properly introduce everyone and the topic at hand, but not so long that everyone start looking at their watches. Aim for the sweet spot, which is between one and two hours. The presentation was just the right length to cover all of the fundamentals, but it was also just the right length to hold everyone's interest and get them ready to tackle the project.


12. Which of the following are important to understand during the planning phase? Select all that apply.


·        Customer feedback

·        Schedules

·        Risk management

·        Budgets

13. As a project manager, you think about where your budget might exceed estimates and how the project might get off track. Which project planning component are you implementing?


·        Project schedule

·        Risk management plan

·        Risk reviews

·        Project budget plan

Explanation: You're putting on your hat as a risk manager now! You are well into the area of risk management when you begin to consider where the budget may go off the tracks and how the project might deviate from the course that was set. It is the equivalent of possessing a crystal ball in order to predict probable obstacles and arrange for alternative routes.


14. You review the tasks for the project and set dates to begin the project, site launch, and gather user feedback. Which of the following components of the planning phase does this update?


·        Task management

·        Risk management

·        Schedule

·        Budget

Explanation: When it comes to planning a project, this falls under the heading of scheduling. You are effectively constructing a road map for the team to follow as they go through the timetable of the project when you decide when the project will begin, when the website will be live, and when user feedback will be collected. It's kind of like putting up signposts along the path to indicate when you've reached a new milestone.


15. Which of the following would be considered tasks for opening a new cafe? Select all that apply.


·        Host a grand opening

·        Create marketing content

·        Research new locations

·        Create a new staff team

·        Research equipment

Explanation: Okay, let's go over the choices, and I'll assist you in making decisions on the duties, such as selecting the ideal mix of coffee beans for the ideal cup.


16. What are the benefits of setting milestones? Select all that apply.


·        Breaking down information into milestones gives you a better idea of the amount of work that needs to be done.

·        Setting milestones encourages you to take time away from the project for new ideas.

·        Setting milestones helps you keep your project on track with clear deadlines for when to complete deliverables.

·        Setting milestones helps you to figure out if you need to adjust your scope, timelines, or resources to meet your goals.

17. Project managers should follow which three best practices when assigning tasks to complete milestones? Select all that apply.


·        Assign deadlines to tasks, but not milestones.

·        Balance the workload of tasks between teammates.

·        Add an assignee and due date to each task.

·        Consider teammates’ familiarity with the tasks.

18. What are the benefits of making a work breakdown structure (WBS)? Select all that apply.


·        You have a visualization tool that assists in assigning tasks.

·        You can get a sense of each stakeholder’s workload.

·        You can assign tasks to two or more team members.

·        You and your teammates can easily identify the tasks you assigned to each milestone.

19. When creating a work breakdown structure (WBS), a project manager should focus on _____ rather than actions.


·        timeline

·        teammate strengths

·        stakeholder needs

·        deliverables

Explanation: Put more of your attention on the "what" than on the "how." The purpose of a Work Breakdown Structure, also known as a WBS, is to break a project down into manageable parts by placing more emphasis on the deliverables or outcomes of the project than on the precise actions or activities that are required to accomplish those results. It's similar to creating a map of destinations before figuring out how to go from one place to another on the map.


20. In the project planning phase, you create a timeline that includes the start and end date, as well as dates for events in between. What is this timeline called?


·        Time management assessment

·        Schedule

·        Staging document

·        Calendar

Explanation: It almost sounds like you're putting up a Gantt chart! It is a graphical depiction of the timeline for your project, including not only the beginning and ending dates but also the numerous activities or events that occur along the route. It is similar to a road plan that directs your travel through the project, beginning with the launch and ending with the celebration.


21. As a project manager, you try to take all the right steps to prepare for the project. What steps should you take? Select all that apply.


·        Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals.

·        Identify and prepare for risks that could impact the project.

·        Form the project plan with the team so they have a shared understanding of the project.

·        Coordinate the current budget to match other project budgets.

22. As a project manager, you facilitate a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you introduce the shared vision of the project and why it matters. Where on the agenda should this be?


·        Roles

·        Background

·        Goals and scope

·        Questions

Shuffle Q/A 2

23. As a project manager, you facilitate a kick-off meeting. What is a step you can take to ensure all the details are stated in your notes?


·        Ask team members to repeat parts of what you missed in your notes.

·        Ask a team member to take notes on key points and action items.

·        Take notes to the best of your ability and capture what you can in the summary.

·        Ask team members to speak more slowly so you can write down all notes.

Explanation: Oh, having a good eye for detail is really necessary. The documentation of the meeting's minutes is one step that you may take. Take notes on the most important conversations, choices, and next steps. It's like taking a picture of the meeting, which guarantees that everyone is on the same page and that no important facts are overlooked.


24. Fill in the blank: Reaching a project milestone is an important point within the project schedule. It indicates progress and usually signifies the _____ of a deliverable or phase of the project.


·        time

·        scope

·        completion

·        goals

25. What steps should you take to set proper deadlines for your milestones?


·        Assign as many tasks as you can for each milestone to impress stakeholders.

·        Schedule deadlines for the milestones to account for the budget.

·        Connect with teammates to discuss the tasks required for the milestone.

·        Assign milestones to be completed in week-long increments.

26. You assign new tasks to team members. You have reviewed the project timeline for the milestones. What else should you consider when assigning tasks?


·        Team member seniority

·        Task interest

·        Task novelty

·        Overall workload

27. Which of the following is a primary benefit of planning in project management?


·        It allows stakeholders to pick and choose team members they want to work with.

·        It helps the project manager understand the work needed to achieve the goal.

·        It helps team members decide the budget of the project.

·        It allows stakeholders to add more features and tasks.

Explanation: When it comes to managing projects, having a plan is like having a road map to success. This is the major advantage of planning. It assists in predicting and minimizing possible obstacles, promotes effective resource allocation, and ultimately enhances the possibility of attaining project objectives on schedule and within budget. It also gives unambiguous guidance. It's all about getting the groundwork in place to ensure a more enjoyable trip and a fruitful conclusion to the project.


28. You are in the planning phase and need to track the start date with web designers, web developers, and vendors. What component contains this information?


·        The project schedule

·        The project budget plan

·        The time management plan

·        The team reviews

Explanation: In most cases, this information is included in the timetable for the project. The project schedule contains the start dates, dependencies, and timescales for a variety of activities, including those tasks that involve web designers, web developers, and suppliers. It's the equivalent of having a calendar for your project, which ensures that everyone is aware of when it's time to start getting their creative juices flowing.


29. You have assessed the risks and created a schedule for an upcoming project. What is the final component to consider in the planning phase of this project?


·        Budget

·        Task management

·        Team Building

·        Celebration

Explanation: The distribution of resources is the last aspect of the planning process that has to be thought about. It is time to make sure that you have the appropriate people with the right talents in the right location at the right time once you have evaluated the risks, developed a timetable, and made sure that all of the i's and t's are dotted and crossed respectively. The process of bringing your idea to life is analogous to doing a well-balanced team performance.


30. Suppose that as a project manager, you’re running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you spend about ten minutes to set expectations for the team and the next steps they should take. What agenda item does this represent?


·        What comes next

·        Roles

·        Background

·        Introductions

Explanation: It seems like we've arrived to the "Agenda and Objectives" section. To make sure that everyone is on the same page and prepared to handle the project in an efficient manner, it is essential to spend some time at the beginning of the kick-off meeting outlining the next steps and laying out the expectations for the meeting. It is analogous to tuning the instruments before the start of the concert and is necessary for achieving a harmonic performance.


31. Which of the following would be considered a project milestone?


·       Deliver a first draft of a manuscript

·        Fix a bug recorded from user testing

·        Schedule time with the team to review tasks

·        Write a paragraph for project proposal

32. When creating milestones as a project manager, what should you avoid? Select all that apply.


·        Setting too many milestones because you want to appear ambitious to stakeholders

·        Having no milestones because tasks are all you need to complete the project

·        Using milestones as tasks because milestones should represent big moments in time and tasks are how to get there

·        Managing your milestones in one project management tool to stay organized

33. What is the outcome of creating a successful work breakdown structure (WBS)?


·        A resource for stakeholders to choose their favorite milestone

·        A set of project tasks that ladder up to each of your milestones

·        A set of project milestones that ladder up to each of your tasks

·        A resource for team members to choose which tasks they will work on

34. Which of the following would be considered a project milestone?


·         Write the initial introduction to the proposal

·        Host an event for the product launch

·        Hire a writer to create content

·        Research a location to host an event

Shuffle Q/A 3

35. What different components make up a work breakdown structure (WBS)?


·        List of details on a project with team member feedback

·        Milestones and tasks for the project organized in a hierarchy

·        One list of all the tasks to complete on a project

·        A document of all the work assigned to team members along with stakeholders’ comments

36. In the project planning phase, what type of meeting is the first meeting among the project team, stakeholders, and the project sponsor?


·        A team reflection meeting

·        A stakeholder approval meeting

·        A milestone planning meeting

·        A project kick-off meeting

Explanation: It sounds like the meeting to start things started. In the first meeting of its kind, the project team, the project's stakeholders, and the project sponsor get together to establish the project's direction, make sure everyone's expectations are in line, and formally kick off the endeavor. It's almost like the curtain has been raised on the performance of the project!


37. Fill in the blank: After the stakeholders assign the project manager, the goals of the project have to be approved, as well as the scope of the project and its _____.


·        manager

·        deliverables

·        vendors

·        tools

Explanation: Price range! Once the project's stakeholders have given over control to the project manager, it is time to gain approval on the project's objectives, scope, and budget. It's similar to ensuring that everyone is on the same page on the final goal, the route to get there, and the resources that are required for the trip.


38. What are the benefits of the project planning phase? Select all that apply.


·        Keep teammates from communicating to avoid groupthink when brainstorming ideas.

·        Identify and prepare for risks.

·        Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals.

·        Coordinate efforts and timelines with other teams.

39. Suppose as a project manager, you’re running a kick-off meeting. You accurately define what work is and is not included in the project. What agenda item does this represent?


·        Scope

·        Project purpose

·        Roles

·        Intended outcome

Explanation: This is the "Defining Scope" agenda item that we will be discussing. In order to prevent any kind of scope creep from occurring, one of the most important steps is to clearly define out what aspects of the project belong inside its limitations and what aspects do not. It's kind of like deciding how the game is going to be played before anybody else gets involved.


40. What are some consequences of missing a milestone in a project? Select all that apply.


·        There can be a delay in the project schedule.

·        Team morale will increase because team members will be allowed to work more overtime hours.

·        The number of tasks needed to achieve the milestone can increase.

·        More resources may be needed to reach the deadline for the milestone.

·        The client could withhold payments due to the delay.

41. In the project planning phase, you lay out higher-level milestones and break down the effort into project tasks. What type of methodology are you using?


·        Bottom-up scheduling

·        Top-down scheduling

·        Goal scheduling

·        Team scheduling

42. Fill in the blank: During the planning phase of a project, you take steps that help you _____ to achieve your project goals.


·        avoid stakeholder input

·        depart from the current timeline

·        analyze customer feedback

·        understand the work you need to do

Explanation: You will take actions during the planning phase of a project that will assist you in "organizing and strategizing" to attain the objectives you have set for the project. It is similar to preparing the groundwork for a performance that has been meticulously choreographed, in which each step is deliberated over and planned.


43. During the project planning phase, which of the following occur?


·        The client selects which vendors work on the project.

·        The project manager creates the schedule, budget, and risk management plan.

·        The client reviews the project plans for approval.

·        The project manager completes a plan, then puts it away until the project closing phase.

44. As a project manager, you facilitate a kick-off meeting. You introduce the target launch date and walk through the project milestones. Where on the agenda would this be?


·        Collaboration

·        Roles

·        Goals and Scope

·        Questions

Explanation: The "Project Overview" or "Introduction" portion of the agenda is normally the place where anything like this would be discussed. When the projected launch date is established and the milestones for the project are discussed, it is similar to providing everyone with a preview of the overall strategy before the stage is formally set for the project.


45. Imagine that you are a project manager trying to complete a website design. What activities might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project? Select all that apply.


·        Create initial mock-ups of the website.

·        Test the website for usability.

·        Implement feedback by the designer.

·        Host a check-in meeting with the team.

46. You have identified all milestones for a specific project. What is the next step in setting milestones?


·        Execute the project.

·        Set a new budget based on milestones created.

·        Assign the deadlines.

·        Assign tasks to team members.

Explanation: After you have determined all of the milestones that need to be accomplished for a project, the following step is to sequence them in the appropriate order. This requires organizing the milestones in a sequence that is both logical and chronological, making sure that each milestone is reliant on the completion of the one that came before it, and making sure that each milestone is dependent on the completion of the one that came before it. It's like fitting the pieces of a jigsaw together in the correct sequence to show the whole image of the successful completion of the project.

Shuffle Q/A 4

47. As a project manager, you facilitate a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you introduce what work each person on the team is responsible for. Where on the agenda should this be?


·        Roles

·        Introduction

·        Background

·        Questions

Explanation: During the kick-off meeting, the portion of the agenda titled "Team Roles and Responsibilities" or "Team Assignments" is often where the specific tasks of each participant are discussed. It's kind of like passing out scripts in a play; you just need to make sure everyone understands their part in the overall performance of the endeavor.


48. As a project manager, you notice that a new government regulation may add additional tasks to the project. You bring your concern about the new regulation to the stakeholders for a discussion on how to lessen its impacts. What component of the planning phase does this situation represent?


·        Risk management

·        Budget

·        Task management

·        Schedule

Explanation: This circumstance exemplifies the risk management strategy that will be used during the planning phase. Being proactive and managing uncertainty are the two most important things to keep in mind while trying to determine the possible implications of a new government law and then discussing measures to lessen those effects. It's the equivalent of looking for potential storms on the horizon of the project and getting the ship ready for calmer seas.

49. As a project manager, you notice a specific milestone has a high number of tasks that may cause the team to miss a deadline. What is a reasonable course of action to adjust the milestone?


·        Meet with stakeholders to present the milestone and adjust the scope and tasks.

·        Meet with all team members to decide who can take on more tasks.

·        Adjust the deadline of the project deliverables before reviewing them with team members.

·        Monitor the timeline closely during the execution phase of the project.

50. You create a work breakdown structure. One of the major milestones is securing a venue for a conference. There are smaller jobs that must be done to reach each milestone. What are the smaller jobs known as?


·        Roles and responsibilities

·        Tasks and sub-tasks

·        Deliverables

·        Checklist items

Explanation: In a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), the smaller activities that must be completed in order to reach a big milestone are referred to as "tasks" or "work packages." In this context, the individual stages or components that need to be accomplished in order to fulfill the wider goal of obtaining a location for the conference might be thought of as the "steps" or "components" in question. To guarantee a smooth road toward achievement, it is helpful to divide the overall objective into smaller, more doable goals.

51. Before starting the planning phase, you complete the initiation phase. What steps do stakeholders or the clients take during the initiation phase?


·        Stakeholders assign a project manager, review risk management tools, and approve the budget.

·        Stakeholders assign a project manager, select the tools to manage the project, view meeting notes, and approve the budget.

·        Stakeholders assign a project manager, approve goals, determine the scope and deliverables, and approve the project charter.

·        Stakeholders assign a project manager, determine the scope and deliverables, and select the team.

52, You are managing a project and notice a team member will be away during the execution phase. You bring your concern to the team and discuss adding extra resources to the project. Which of the following components of the planning phase does this update?


·        Budgeting

·        Forecasting

·        Risk management

·        Task management

53. Which of the following would be considered a project milestone?


·        Schedule time with the team to review tasks

·        Fix a bug recorded from user testing

·        Write a paragraph for project proposal

·        Deliver a first draft of a manuscript


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