Week 1 – Organizing data to begin analysis

1. What is the goal of the analysis phase of the data analysis process?


·        To describe data structures

·        To generate new data

·        To identify trends and relationships in data

·        To make generalizations about data

Explanation: The goal of the analysis stage in the process of analyzing gathered data is to unearth relevant patterns, insights, and trends within the data that has been collected. It entails making use of a variety of statistical and computational tools in order to comprehend the data, determine correlations, and arrive at conclusions. The objective is to process the raw data in such a way as to derive information that can be put to use, which in turn may contribute to more informed decision-making and give important insights for the relevant stakeholders.

2. During which of the four phases of analysis do you compare your data to external sources?


·        Format and adjust data

·        Transform data

·        Get input from others

·        Organize data

Explanation: During the data validation stage of the analytic process, it is common practice to check the accuracy of the data by comparing it to other sources. In this phase, analysts evaluate the quality, correctness, and reliability of the data that was acquired by comparing it with data that was obtained from external sources or standards that had previously been established. This helps to guarantee that the data that is utilized for analysis is reliable and relevant to the goals of the research.

3. Which of the following actions might occur when transforming data? Select all that apply.


·        Identify a pattern in your data

·        Make calculations based on your data

·        Recognize relationships in your data

·        Eliminate irrelevant info from your data

4. Typically, a data analyst uses filters when they want to expand the amount of data they are working with.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: To say the least! In most cases, data analysts will utilize filters in order to reduce the volume of data they are working with rather than to increase it. The act of picking a subset of the data based on certain criteria, such as a given time period, specific categories, or special circumstances, is what is meant by the term "filtering." This targeted strategy is often used in order to extract pertinent information and remove material that is either unneeded or irrelevant, so making the analysis more focused and useful. Combining datasets using methods such as data merging or appending is an option worth considering if you need more information than what you are currently working with.

5. A data analyst is sorting data in a spreadsheet. They select a specific collection of cells in order to limit the sorting to just specified cells. Which spreadsheet tool are they using?


·        Sort Sheet

·        Sort Range

·        Limit Sort

·        Limit Range

Explanation: It seems as if they are making use of the "Sort Range" or "Sort" feature that is available in the spreadsheet program. The data analyst is able to apply sorting solely to the selected section of the dataset rather than to the full dataset if they first choose a particular group of cells. Because of this, the sorting may be more specifically tailored to meet the requirements of the analyst.

6. A data analyst sorts a spreadsheet range between cells D5 and M5. They sort in descending order by the third column, Column F. What is the syntax they are using?


·        =SORT(D5:M5, C, TRUE)

·        =SORT(D5:M5, 3, FALSE)

·        =SORT(D5:M5, C, FALSE)

·        =SORT(D5:M5, 3, TRUE)

Explanation: In terms of spreadsheets, the operation that you mentioned may be accomplished by utilizing the "Sort Range" or "Sort" function, respectively. Specifying the range and the key column for sorting is required in most cases. The syntax may be somewhat different depending on the spreadsheet program, but in general, this is the case.

7. You are querying a database that contains data about music. Each musical genre is given an ID number. You are only interested in data related to the genre with ID number 7. The genre IDs are listed in the genre_id column.

You write the SQL query below. Add a WHERE clause that will return only data about the genre with Id number 7.

Who is the composer listed in row 4 of your query result?


·        Caetano Veloso

·        Marisa Monte

·        Lulu Santos

·        Gilberto Gil

8. You are working with a database that contains invoice data about online music purchases. You are only interested in invoices sent to customers located in the city of Delhi. You want to sort the invoices by order total in ascending order. The order totals are listed in the total column.

You write the SQL query below. Add an ORDER BY clause that will sort the invoices by order total in ascending order.

What total appears in row 4 of your query result?​


·        1.98

·        5.94

·        8.91

·        3.96

Explanation: I am unable to offer an accurate total since you requested me to sort the range D5:M5 into descending order according to the third column (Column F), and I do not have the particular data values necessary for doing so. If you have a certain set of values in those cells and I am aware of what those values are, I will be able to assist you in calculating the sum for row 4 once the sorting has been completed.

Shuffle Q/A 1

9. Fill in the blank: The _____ phase of the data analysis process includes organizing data, formatting and adjusting data, getting input from others, and transforming data by observing relationships between data points and making calculations.


·        process

·        prepare

·        analyze

·        act

Explanation: The phrase "Data Preparation" phase has been included in its place. The step of the process known as data preparation comprises organizing, structuring, modifying, and changing the data so that it is appropriate for analysis. This phase also involves activities like as dealing with missing data, addressing outliers, and confirming the quality of the data collected.

10. During which of the four phases of analysis do you gather the relevant datasets into an usable structure for a project?


·        Format and adjust data

·        Get input from others

·        Transform data

·        Organize data

Explanation: The phase of a project that is often referred to as the "Data Collection" phase is the time during which important datasets are compiled into a structure that may be used. During this first stage of the data analysis process, you will be tasked with locating the relevant data from a variety of sources and compiling it into a single location. After the data have been gathered, they may next be sorted and made ready for analysis in later stages of the process.

11. Fill in the blank: Sorting ranks data based on a specific _____ that you select.


·        calculation

·        observation

·        metric

·        model

Explanation: When you sort data, you may rank it according to a certain "criteria" that you choose.

12. A data analyst is sorting data in a spreadsheet. Which tool are they using if all of the data is sorted by the ranking of a specific sorted column and data across rows is kept together?


·        Sort Sheet

·        Sort Together

·        Sort Rank

·        Sort Document

Explanation: The "Sort" or "Sort Range" feature found inside the spreadsheet program is the one that the data analyst is most likely use in this particular circumstance. It guarantees that the complete row of data is shifted and remains intact relative to the sorting criterion of the chosen column while sorting by a particular column and keeping the data across rows together. This is done while keeping the data across rows together. This contributes to the preservation of the connections between the data points in each row.

13. A data analyst sorts a spreadsheet range between cells A1 and E50. They sort in descending order by the fourth column, Column D. What is the syntax they are using?


·        =SORT(A1:E50, 4, FALSE)

·        =SORT(A1:E50, 4, TRUE)

·        =SORT(A1:E50, D, TRUE)

·        =SORT(A1:E50, D, FALSE)

14. You are querying a database that contains data about music. You are only interested in data related to the jazz musician Miles Davis. The names of the musicians are listed in the composer column.

You write the following SQL query, but it is incorrect. What is wrong with the query?

FROM Track
WHERE composer = Miles Davis


·        Line 3 should be rewritten as WHERE composer is Miles Davis.

·        Composer in line 3 should be capitalized.

·        SELECT, FROM, and WHERE should not be capitalized.

·        Miles Davis should be in double quotation marks.

15. You are working with a database that contains invoice data about online music purchases. You are only interested in invoices sent to customers located in the city of Paris. You want to sort the invoices by order total in ascending order. The order totals are listed in the total column.

You write the SQL query below. However this query is incorrect. What is wrong with it?

FROM invoice
WHERE billing_city = “Paris”
ORDER total


·        SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and ORDER are capitalized.

·        Line 4 is missing the text column = between ORDER and total.

·        In line 3, “Paris” has quotation marks.

·        Line 4 is missing the word BY between ORDER and total.

16. After collecting the relevant datasets for their analysis, a data analyst compares this data to external sources. In which of the four phases of analysis does this occur?


·        Organize data

·        Format and adjust data

·        Transform data

·        Get input from others

Explanation: During the "Data Validation" step of the analytic process, it is common practice to validate the acquired data by comparing it to data from other sources. In this phase, analysts evaluate the quality, correctness, and reliability of the data that was acquired by comparing it with data that was obtained from external sources or standards that had previously been established. This helps to guarantee that the data that is utilized for analysis is reliable and relevant to the goals of the research.

17. A data analyst working on a data set is investigating possible relationships in the data. What phase of analysis is the analyst in?


·        Format and adjust data

·        Get input from others

·        Transform data

·        Organize data

Explanation: It's probable that the data analyst is at the "Exploration" stage of the analysis right now. During this stage of the process, analysts investigate the data to search for patterns, linkages, and trends. It entails coming up with hypotheses, visualizing the data, and beginning preliminary research in order to get an understanding of the composition and properties of the dataset. The investigation phase is essential for laying the groundwork for subsequent phases that include more in-depth analysis and the testing of hypotheses.

18. A data analyst sorts a spreadsheet range between cells K9 and L20. They sort in ascending order by the first column, Column K. What is the syntax they are using?


·        =SORT(K9:L20, K, TRUE)

·        =SORT(K9:L20, K, FALSE)

·        =SORT(K9:L20, 1, TRUE)

·        =SORT(K9:L20, 1, FALSE)

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. You are querying a database that contains data about music. Each album is given an ID number. You are only interested in data related to the album with ID number 3. The album IDs are listed in the album_id column.

You write the following SQL query, but it is incorrect. What is wrong with the query?

FROM Track
WHERE album = 3


·        In line 3, album should be album_id.

·        SELECT, FROM, and WHERE should be capitalized.

·        In line 3, album is not capitalized.

·        Line 3 contains an equal sign.

20. In the data analysis process, which of the following refers to a phase of analysis? Select all that apply.


·        Format data using sorts and filters

·        Get input from others

·        Organize data into understandable sections

·        Visualize the data

21. A data analyst is collecting all the datasets that are relevant to their project. Which of the four phases of analysis is the data analyst in?


·        Get input from others

·        Organize data

·        Format and adjust data

·        Transform data

Explanation: The data analyst is now working on the "Data Collection" phase of the project. During this first stage of the process of analyzing data, the emphasis is placed on locating, obtaining, and compiling the relevant datasets that are required for the analysis.

22. A data analyst investigating a data set is interested in showing only data that matches given criteria. What is this known as?


·        Sorting

·        Modeling

·        Measuring

·        Filtering

Explanation: The process of doing so is referred to as "filtering" the data. The process of filtering entails showing just the data that satisfies certain criteria. This enables the analyst to concentrate on a subset of the information that is relevant to their research or analysis.

23. You are working with a database that contains invoice data about online music purchases. You are only interested in invoices sent to customers located in the city of Delhi. You want to sort the invoices by order total in ascending order. The order totals are listed in the total column.

You write the SQL query below. However this query is incorrect. What is wrong with it?

FROM invoice
WHERE billing_city = “Delhi”
ORDER BY order_total


·        SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and ORDER BY are capitalized.

·        In line 4, order_total should be total.

·        In line 3, “Delhi” has quotation marks.

·        Line 4 contains the word BY.

24. A data analyst chooses to rank the data based on a specific metric. What is the term for this action?


·        Sorting

·        Filtering

·        Modeling

·        Measuring

Explanation: Sorting is the process of arranging data in ascending or descending order according to a predetermined measure. When you sort data, you arrange it in a certain order, such as ascending or descending, depending on the values of a specified column or metric. This may be done in a number of different ways. This assists in organizing the data and highlighting any patterns or trends that may be present in the dataset.

25. A data analyst investigates the data they’ve collected to look for patterns and relationships between the data. They also perform calculations based on the data. In which of the four phases of analysis does this occur?


·        Format and adjust data

·        Transform data

·        Get input from others

·        Organize data

Explanation: During the "Exploration" or "Analysis" phase of the data analysis process, the actions that you've mentioned, such as analyzing the data for patterns and correlations and completing computations, normally take place. Exploring the data, coming up with ideas, and beginning preliminary investigations are all tasks that are part of this phase. The goal of this phase is to obtain insights into the structure and properties of the dataset. It establishes the groundwork for later stages that will include more in-depth examination and interpretation of the data.

26. A data analyst working on a very large dataset decides to narrow the scope of the data that they are working with in order to make the analysis more manageable. What can they use to narrow the amount of data?


·        Modeling

·        Sorting

·        Filtering

·        Measuring

27. A data analyst uses a function to sort a spreadsheet range between cells H1 and K65. They sort in ascending order by the first column, Column H. What is the syntax they are using?


·        =SORT(H1:K65, 1, FALSE)

·        =SORT(H1:K65, A, TRUE)

·        =SORT(H1:K65, A, FALSE)

·        =SORT(H1:K65, 1, TRUE)

28. You are querying a database that contains data about music. Each musical genre is given an ID number. You are only interested in data related to the genre with ID number 2. The genre IDs are listed in the genre_id column.

You write the following SQL query, but it is incorrect. What is wrong with the query?

FROM Track
WHERE composer = 2


·        Line 3 contains an equal sign.

·        Composer should be genre_id in line 3.

·        Composer is not capitalized in line 3.

·        SELECT, FROM, and WHERE are capitalized.

Shuffle Q/A 3

29. You are performing a calculation during your analysis of a dataset. Which phase of analysis are you in?


·        Get input from others

·        Format and adjust data

·        Organize data

·        Transform data

Explanation: During the "Data Transformation" step of the study of a dataset, it is common practice to carry out numerical computations. During this phase, analysts perform a variety of mathematical and statistical operations on the data in order to extract new insights from the data, produce derived variables, or change the data into a format that is more appropriate for analysis. In order to properly prepare the data for meaningful interpretation and decision-making, this stage is absolutely necessary.

30. A data analyst is sorting spreadsheet data. They use the spreadsheet tool Sort Sheet. What does this tool do?


·        It sorts all of the data in a spreadsheet by a specific sorted column.

·        It sorts all of the data in a spreadsheet by the ranking of a specific sorted row.

·        It allows the analyst to sort by a specific sorted row.

·        It allows the analyst to sort a specific selection of cells only.

Explanation: If a data analyst is utilizing the "Sort Sheet" option in a spreadsheet program, it usually indicates that they are sorting the whole sheet according to one or more criteria that have been selected. They are able to arrange the rows of the full sheet in ascending or descending order depending on the values found in one or more columns thanks to the tool that is available to them. It is an all-encompassing sorting tool that takes into consideration the full sheet rather than a certain range of cells.

31. Which of the following tasks would a data analyst perform during the analyze phase of the data analysis process? Select all that apply.


·        Getting input from others

·        Organizing data into understandable sections

·        Visualizing the data with charts

·        Preparing a report for the stakeholders

32. You write the SQL query below. However this query is incorrect. What is wrong with it?

FROM invoice
WHERE billing_city = “Chicago”
ORDER total


·        Line 4 is missing column = between ORDER and total.

·        SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and ORDER are capitalized.

·        Line 4 is missing the BY between ORDER and total.

·        In line 3, “Chicago” has quotation marks.

33. A data analyst is analyzing sales data to identify trends and relationships. What phase of the data analysis process does this describe?


·        Analyze

·        Act

·        Process

·        Prepare

Explanation: This enumerates the steps involved in the "Analysis" phase of the data analysis process. During this stage, data analysts study the data in order to discover patterns, linkages, and trends in the information. They could use statistical tools, put up hypotheses, and then test those hypotheses before drawing conclusions based on their investigation. By gaining a more in-depth knowledge of the data, the objective is to both obtain insights and better guide decision-making.

34. A data analyst sorts a spreadsheet range between cells A15 and G71. They sort in ascending order by the second column, Column B. What is the syntax they are using?


·        =SORT(A15:G71, 2, FALSE)

·        =SORT(A15:G71, 2, TRUE)

·        =SORT(A15:G71, B, FALSE)

·        =SORT(A15:G71, B, TRUE)

35. A data analyst is using the spreadsheet tool Sort Range. What purpose does this tool serve?


·        It allows the analyst to sort the data in a spreadsheet by a specific sorted column.

·        It allows the analyst to sort a specific selection of cells only.

·        It sorts all of the data in a spreadsheet by a specific sorted row.

·        It sorts all of the data in a spreadsheet by the ranking of a specific sorted row.

Explanation: A spreadsheet's "Sort Range" feature may be used to sort the data contained inside a given range into a certain order depending on one or more criteria. This can be accomplished in a variety of different ways. It gives the data analyst the ability to arrange the rows of the specified range in either an ascending or descending order, based on the values that are included in one or more columns.

36. A data analyst sorts a spreadsheet range between cells F19 and G82. They sort in ascending order by the second column, Column G. What is the syntax they are using?


·        =SORT(F19:G82, B, FALSE)

·        =SORT(F19:G82, 2, TRUE)

·        =SORT(F19:G82, B, TRUE)

·        =SORT(F19:G82, 2, FALSE)


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