Week 2 – Understand search engine optimization (SEO)

1. After finding the location of a new page or new page content, the Google search engine stores it in an online record. This represents which main process of a search engine?


·        Indexing

·        Serving

·        Arranging

·        Crawling

Explanation: The action that you are describing is a component of the stage known as "Indexing" in a search engine. In the context of a Google search, the process of indexing the information occurs once the search engine discovers the location of a new page or the content of a new page (by crawling). Indexing entails storing and arranging the information identified during crawling in such a way that it can be promptly retrieved and shown in search results when relevant queries are made by users. This makes it possible for indexing to be performed on large amounts of data. The index is, in all practical terms, a database that facilitates the quick and effective retrieval of information in response to queries submitted by users.

2. What automated software helps locate information to answer a user’s query?


·        Search finder

·        Discovery algorithm

·        Discovery finder

·        Search algorithm

Explanation: The term "search engine" refers to the computerized software that is used to seek information in order to provide a response to a user's query. Crawling the web, indexing its material, and retrieving relevant information in response to user queries are all tasks that are accomplished via the application of complex algorithms by search engines.

3.To rank search listings, the Google algorithm tries to understand the words typed in a search bar. It also tries to understand the general intent behind the search. This represents which results key factor?


·        Meaning of the query

·        Usability of webpages

·        Relevancy of webpages

·        Quality of the content

Explanation: Google's attempts to produce relevant and contextually meaningful search results include a process that involves analyzing the words put into a search bar and interpreting the overall purpose behind the search. This process is called "search intent interpretation." This encapsulates the essential component that is referred to as "Relevance" in the search results.

The query that the user enters into Google is analyzed by Google's algorithm, which then determines the relevancy of web pages and information on the internet that may best suit the user's goal. In order to rank search results and offer those that are most likely to correspond with what the user is searching for, the search engine takes into account a variety of signals and criteria, including the availability of certain keywords, the context in which they are found, the user's location, and others. The user's search intent and query will serve as the basis for determining which information will be most beneficial and relevant to provide to the user.

4. Which search engine results pages (SERPs) feature displays a special box with information intended to help the searcher more easily discover what they are seeking?


·        Local results

·        Videos

·        Rich results

·        Featured snippet

Explanation: The element on a search engine results page (SERP) that shows a specific box containing information that is meant to make it easier for the searcher to find what they are looking for is sometimes referred to as a "Featured Snippet."

A highlighted and condensed summary of information that has been retrieved from a web page is known as a featured snippet. It is presented at the top of the search results, generally in a box, and it provides visitors with a fast and direct response to their question without the need for the users to go through to a particular website. The purpose of featured snippets is to improve the quality of the search experience by displaying information that is relevant to the query and beneficial to users in a prominent location on the search engine results page (SERP).

5. As a marketer specializing in search engine optimization, you ensure that a website is well-organized and that it is easily crawled by search engines. This represents which SEO task?


·        Organizing a website’s structure

·        Technical website development

·        Content development

·        Keyword research

Explanation: The process of ensuring that a website is well-organized and that it can be quickly scanned by search engines is often referred to as "On-Page Optimization" or "Technical SEO."

6. Which pre-SEO work includes understanding the intent of people who read and experience the website’s content?


·        Know the customers well

·        Brainstorm content for people first

·        Know your website or organization’s goals

·        Know your competitors well

Explanation: The preparatory work for search engine optimization (SEO), which include gaining a knowledge of the goals of those who read and interact with the material on a website, is sometimes considered to fall under the more general heading of "Content Strategy" or "Content Planning." This step is essential for correctly aligning the content of the website with the requirements and requirements of the target audience, which is necessary to ensure that the material successfully fulfills its purpose.

7. Which of the following statements regarding keywords is true?


·        The keyword research process varies depending on the organization you work for.

·        Tools are a distraction to the keyword research process.

·        Keyword stuffing provides a positive user experience and typically benefits a website’s ranking.

·        Keyword research is done after creating content.

8. Which of the following is true regarding a website’s structure and navigation?


·        A website’s hierarchical structure should generally be flat.

·        Whenever possible, use http:// and not https:// when creating new webpages.

·        It is best to have several pages that are not internally linked.

·        A higher bounce rate typically leads to more conversions.

9. As a digital marketer optimizing a website, you add a row of internal links at the top or bottom of the page. These links allow visitors to quickly navigate back to a previous section or the homepage. What is the name for these links?


·        Subpage links

·        Breadcrumbs

·        Crawl page links

·        Subcategories

Explanation: Oh, those handy tiny guidelines are sometimes referred to as "breadcrumbs." They allow users to retrace their travels through the website's organizational structure in a digital format. Although they are not exactly the same as the breadcrumbs that led to Grandma's home, they are still quite helpful.

10. What code is used to better describe a webpage’s content to search engines?


·        Crawl data

·        Structured data

·        Meta description data

·        Breadcrumb data

Shuffle Q/A 1

11. One of the main processes of the Google search engine is serving. What does this refer to?


·        Websites and platforms use different algorithms to decide what to show users

·        The Google search algorithm sorts through billions of webpages to deliver the most relevant content for a user’s search

·        The Google search algorithm sorts through a few webpages to find the most popular content for the user’s search

·        The process of finding new and updated webpages

12. Which of the following does the algorithm consider when ranking a webpage for a search?


·        What’s on a website and information on other websites

·        How well-known a business is compared to competitors

·        How old the website is

·        How many ads a business posts

Explanation: When it comes to determining the ranking of a site, the algorithm of a search engine acts analogously to a critical judge who is presiding over a contest of artistic ability. It takes into consideration a variety of factors, including the relevancy of the website's content, the quality of the backlinks, the structure of the website, and even the experience of the website's visitors. In the age of digital media, it comes down to a combination of skill, popularity, and presentation.

13. To rank search listings, the Google algorithm reviews the user experience of a webpage, such as the load speed and if it is mobile friendly. This represents which results key factor?


·        Usability of webpages

·        Relevancy of webpages

·        Context and settings

·        Meaning of the query

Explanation: My my buddy, you've just described the user experience component. Because Google wants its customers to have an easy and enjoyable experience when navigating the web, it takes into account factors such as how fast a website loads and whether or not it is compatible with mobile devices. It's almost as if the algorithm is playing the role of the concierge, making sure that everyone has a pleasant experience while traversing the digital environment.


14. As a marketer specializing in search engine optimization, you resolve hosting issues, manage webpage redirects, and edit JavaScript. This represents which SEO task?


·        Technical website development

·        Keyword research

·        Organizing a website’s structure

·        Content development

Explanation: You really know your stuff when it comes to technical SEO, don't you? The magical arts of technical search engine optimization include tasks such as managing hosting, handling redirection on webpages, and modifying JavaScript. Imagine that you are a member of the backstage staff whose job it is to ensure that the show (or website) goes properly for the people in the audience (or on the website).


15. One of the pre-SEO factors to consider is “brainstorming content for people first.” What does this include?


·        Create better content than your competition by studying what they’ve created and what is available in search results

·        Prioritize what the searcher needs from their query instead of what is in the search results

·        Understand the people who are reading and experiencing your content

·        Set clear goals for the organization

Explanation: "Brainstorming content for people first" is analogous to putting the table settings in place before welcoming visitors. It implies producing material that is useful, relevant, and interesting for the people who are your target audience. Think about the information or answers that your audience is hoping to find, and then present it in a style that is appealing to the eye and simple for the mind to process.


16. Which of the following statements regarding keywords is true?


·        There is one preferred way to do keyword research.

·        Keyword stuffing results in a negative user experience and can harm a website’s ranking.

·        Tools are a distraction to the keyword research process.

·        Keyword research is done after creating content.

17. Which of the following refers to good website structure and navigation? Select all that apply.


·        Every page should only be three, maybe four clicks from the homepage.

·        It is easy to use.

·        The hierarchy should be flat.

·        It has a high bounce rate.

18. Fill in the blank: Every website has a _____, also known as the root page.


·              shop page

·        contact page

·        home page

·        services page

Explanation: To the homepage! Every website contains what is called a homepage, which is sometimes referred to as the root page or main page of the website. It serves the same purpose as a welcome mat for your digital abode.


19. One of the main processes of the Google search engine is crawling. What does this refer to?


·        Websites and platforms use different algorithms to decide what to show users

·        Google returns results that meet the user’s needs

·        The process of finding old webpages

·        The process of finding new and updated webpages

Explanation: In the context of a search engine such as Google, the term "crawling" refers to the process by which automated bots, also known as spiders or crawlers, navigate the web in a methodical manner in order to locate and index web pages. These bots acquire information on the content and structure of each website by following links from one page to another and moving on to the next. The process of indexing material and making it accessible for use in search queries is an essential part of the operation of a search engine.


20. What best describes a search algorithm?


·        Semi-automated software that crawls the Internet for new data.

·        Automated software that helps locate information to answer a user’s query.

·        Automated software that requires users to discover information through categories.

·        Manual software that requires users to locate information in the search engine.

Explanation: A search algorithm may be thought of as a collection of rules or as a step-by-step process that search engines follow in order to ascertain which results are the most relevant in response to a user's search query. It includes assessing numerous aspects of web sites, like as keywords, content quality, relevancy, and linkages, with the goal of ranking and presenting the user with the results that are most appropriate for them. The search algorithms that power search engines are always being refined in an effort to make the results more relevant and useful.


21. What do rich results display on search engine results pages (SERPs)?


·        Videos at the top, middle, or bottom of the search results

·        Additional product information showing search results, such as its review rating, price, and availability

·        A map and listings of local businesses

·        A special box that displays information about a search on the results page

Explanation: Enhanced search results that are presented on search engine results pages (sometimes referred to as SERPs) are referred to as rich results or rich snippets. They give extra information in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and useful, going above and beyond the typical written description. Depending on the content of the page and the structured data markup that the website has adopted, rich results may contain elements such as photos, star ratings, reviews, product pricing, event information, and more. Rich results may also include additional features. The purpose of these improved pieces is to provide consumers with more information and assist them in making educated selections right from the search results.


22. Fill in the blank: Keyword _____ results in a negative user experience and can harm a website's ranking.


·        tools

·        stuffing

·        research

·        selection

Explanation: The practice of overusing keywords on a website leads to a poor experience for the site's visitors and may hurt the site's rating. The process of overstuffing a website with keywords in an effort to influence its position in the results returned by a search engine is known as "keyword stuffing." This strategy is currently prohibited by search engines since it might lead to a bad user experience and is deemed to be in violation of search engine standards. Search engines are trying to improve their users' experiences. It is preferable to concentrate on producing content of a high quality and relevance if one want to provide a nice experience for users and boost one's position in search engines.

Shuffle Q/A 2

23. Which of the following are URL best practices? Select all that apply.


·        Update URLs to avoid broken links

·        Make URLs as long as possible

·        Create useful 404 pages

·        Make URLs easy to understand

24. What file provides information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationship between them?


·        Structured data

·        Sitemap

·        Meta description

·        404-map

Explanation: This is referred to as the "sitemap." A file known as a sitemap gives information about your website's pages, videos, and other files, as well as the connections that exist between those items and each other. It makes it easier for search engines to comprehend the structure of your website and index the content of your website.


25. Which search engine results pages (SERPs) feature displays a map and has listings of nearby businesses?


·        Featured snippet

·        Video

·        Rich results

·        Local results

Explanation: On Google, this feature is known as the "Local Pack" or the "Map Pack." It is a function that can be found on Google's search engine results pages (SERPs), and it shows a map along with a list of local companies that are relevant to a user's search query that is conducted locally. This is especially helpful for searches that have a local focus, like "restaurants near me" or "plumbers in [location]."


26. As a marketer specializing in search engine optimization, you create articles with text, photos, and videos that satisfy searcher intent. This represents which SEO task?


·        Technical website development

·        Keyword research

·        Organizing a website’s structure

·        Content development

Explanation: The SEO work known as "Content Creation" or "Content Optimization" refers to the process of producing articles that include text, photographs, and videos with the goal of satisfying searcher intent. In this context, you are generating content that is aligned with what people are looking for, delivering relevant information and multimedia features to improve the user experience and satisfy the requirements of the users.


27. What keyword practice does Google's SEO quality guidelines recommend should be avoided?


·        Keyword stuffing

·        Keyword selection

·        Using keyword tools

·        Keyword research

Explanation: Avoid "keyword stuffing" at all costs, as recommended by Google's SEO quality recommendations. In an effort to influence search engine results, a technique known as "keyword stuffing" involves flooding a website with an excessive number of terms. This is regarded to be a breach of Google's standards since it may result in a negative experience for the user. Instead, you should put your attention on producing content that is high in quality and relevance and that organically integrates keywords in the ideal places.


28. Fill in the blank: Whenever possible, use _____ when creating new webpages.


·        http:// and not https:///

·        https:// and not http://

·        few recognizable words

·        a long URL

Explanation: When constructing new websites, "HTTPS" should be used as much as is practically practicable. The usage of HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) enables a secure and encrypted connection between the user's browser and the website, which increases both the website's level of security and the user's level of confidence in the website. It is of utmost significance for websites that deal with sensitive information like login passwords or personal data.


29. What provides search engines a summary of what a page is about?


·        URL

·        Keyword

·        Meta description

·        404 page

Explanation: A synopsis of what a page's content is may be found in the meta description, which is sent to search engines. It is a brief piece of text that is shown in the search engine results pages (SERPs) underneath the title tag of a particular website. Because it gives consumers a preview of the material that is found on the page, a well-crafted meta description has the potential to affect the click-through rates.


30. One of the main processes of the Google search engine is indexing. What does this refer to?


·        Google stores web content with its location (the URL for each webpage)

·        Websites and platforms use different algorithms to decide what to show users

·        The Google search engine delivers relevant content for a user’s query

·        Google stores web content with its number of visitors

Explanation: In the context of a search engine such as Google, "indexing" refers to the process of gathering, processing, and storing data from web pages. This data might come from a variety of sources. This information is indexed by the search engine so that it may be retrieved and shown in a timely manner in response to queries made by users. The search engine does an analysis of the content, keywords, and other relevant variables on a site while it is indexing the page. This allows the search engine to comprehend and organize the material of the page. The process of indexing is an essential step in making online pages searchable and in providing users with results that are relevant to their searches.


31. The search algorithm considers the meaning of a user’s search when ranking websites. What does this refer to?


·        The algorithm considers how easy the content is for a user to view and understand—in other words, if it is user friendly

·        The algorithm determines what content is relevant to the search based on the user’s keywords

·        The algorithm needs to establish what the user wants to find—in other words, the intent behind the query

·        The algorithm determines if popular websites link to or refer to the content on the website

Explanation: This is referring to something called "Semantic Search." The goal of semantic search is for search engines to comprehend the meaning and context of a user's search query by using a methodology known as semantic search. Semantic search is a kind of internet search that, rather than concentrating merely on matching keywords, seeks to understand the purpose of the user and provide results that are more relevant by taking into account the context, synonyms, and the connections between words. It assists search engines in providing results that are more accurate and relevant based on the entire meaning of a query as opposed to merely the individual keywords alone.

32. Content development is a task involved with search engine optimization. What does this task include?


·        Finding terms and phrases that potential customers are typing into search engines

·        Tasks that ensure a website is well-organized and that it is easily crawled by search engines

·        Tasks related to hosting, webpage redirects, error pages, or use of JavaScript

·        Creating content such as text, videos, and photos that address the user’s search intent

33. Which pre-SEO work requires creating webpage content for searchers’ needs and not just replicating content that is already successful in the SERPs?


·        Know your competitors well

·        Know your website or organization’s goals

·        Brainstorm content for people first

·        Know your customers well

Explanation: This is referring to "Content Creation" or "Content Development" as a component of the work that must be done before SEO can begin. When developing content for a website to cater to the requirements of search engine users, the primary emphasis should be on the production of unique, useful, and pertinent information that caters to the particular requirements and questions posed by the target audience. It entails gaining a grasp of the searcher's goals and supplying them with information or solutions that go beyond just copying previously published material. By providing visitors with materials that are both distinctive and helpful, this strategy aids in the process of constructing a solid foundation for search engine optimization (SEO).


34. Fill in the blank: Website structure and navigation should include a consistent and readable _____.


·        contact page

·        business address

·        URL structure

·        business name

Explanation: The organization and navigation of a website need to contain something called a "Hierarchy," which should be consistent and easy to understand. Users and search engines are both aided in their comprehension of a website's content structure by a straightforward hierarchy. It entails structuring material in a logical sequence using headings, subheadings, and other structural aspects in order to make navigation easy to understand and pleasant to users.

Shuffle Q/A 2

35. Fill in the blank: Visitors should be able to tell where a link will take them when they click on the _____.


·        home page

·        social media icons

·        URL

·        menu bar

Explanation: When a visitor clicks on the "Anchor Text" of a link, they should be able to immediately understand where the link will lead them. The language that is visible and clickable in a hyperlink is referred to as the anchor text, and it should provide a precise and detailed indicator of the piece of information or location that the hyperlink is leading to. This makes it easier for consumers to grasp what to anticipate, which in turn enhances the user experience overall.


36. What page informs the user that the webpage they were trying to visit does not exist?


·        404 page

·        Bounce page

·        Sitemap page

·        Broken page

Explanation: That particular page is known as the "404 Error Page." If a user tries to access a web page that does not exist, has been relocated, or has been removed, the server will return a 404 error, and the 404 error page will be presented to the user. This page notifies the user that the page they requested could not be located, and it will often contain a message that directs them back to the main or home page of the website. If you customize the page that displays the 404 error, you may make the user's experience better by including navigation alternatives or useful information.


37. What is the purpose of the search algorithm?


·        To promote specific webpages over others

·        To gather customer information

·        To encourage more searches

·        To deliver the best results for a search

Explanation: The fundamental objective of the search algorithm is to do an analysis on and assign a ranking to each web page in response to a user's search query. It works to provide the user with the most relevant and high-quality results possible in accordance with the user's intentions. When determining the order in which web pages show on search engine results pages (also known as SERPs), the search algorithm takes into account a variety of variables, some of which include the relevance of keywords, the quality of content, the structure of the website, and the user experience. Other criteria may also be taken into consideration. The search algorithm, in its most basic form, is what enables search engines to offer users with the information that is both the most valuable and the most contextually suitable in response to their queries.


38. What do local results display on search engine results pages (SERPs)?


·        A map and listings of local businesses

·        Videos at the top, middle, or bottom of the search results

·        A special box that displays information about a search on the results page

·        Product information showing search results, such as its review rating, price, and availability

Explanation: The local results that appear on the search engine results pages (also known as SERPs) often offer information about companies or services that are relevant to the user's search query that was performed on the local level. These results often feature a map and a list of companies located in the surrounding area, in addition to essential particulars like addresses, phone numbers, reviews, and ratings. Searches that have a local focus, such as "restaurants near me" or "plumbers in [location]," return a disproportionately high number of results from the local level. This function assists users in locating local companies or services and provides them with helpful information that enables them to make choices based on complete information.

39. Technical website development is a task involved with search engine optimization. What does this task include?


·        Tasks that ensure a website is well-organized and that it is easily crawled by search engines

·        Creating content such as text, videos, and photos that address the user’s search intent

·        Tasks related to hosting, webpage redirects, error pages, or use of JavaScript

·        Finding terms and phrases that potential customers are typing into search engines

40. Fill in the blank: The Google search algorithm sorts through _____ to deliver the most relevant content for a given search.


·        recently created webpages

·        social media pages

·        a few webpages

·        billions of webpages

Explanation: The Google search algorithm sifts through "billions of webpages" in order to produce the material that is most relevant to a particular query. Google is able to assess and rank search results based on relevance, quality, and a variety of other variables because of its massive index of web pages. This enables Google to present users with the most helpful information possible.


41. The search algorithm considers the quality of a website’s content. What does this refer to?


·        If prominent websites link or refer to the content

·        If a keyword matches the searcher’s query

·        How easy the content is to interact with

·        What the user wants to find on the website

Explanation: This pertains to the concept of "Content Quality." When determining the quality of the information found on a website, the search algorithm takes into account a number of different aspects, including the relevancy, originality, depth, and total value offered by the content. Because it satisfies the requirements of users and exhibits competence, authority, and trustworthiness in relation to the subject matter, material of high quality has a greater chance of ranking well in the results provided by search engines. The objective of search engines is to provide its users with the most relevant and useful results possible, and the quality of the information they index is an essential component in accomplishing this objective.


42. What is an example of keyword stuffing?


·        Adding keywords to your home page

·        Using an appropriate amount of keywords that a webpage is trying to rank for

·        Knowing the search terms of your potential customers

·        Blocks of text that lists cities and states that a webpage is trying to rank for

Explanation: When a website overuses a specific term or combination of keywords in an unnatural and spammy way across the content of its pages, this is an example of keyword stuffing. Take, for example:

"Welcome to our online retail establishment! If you are seeking for the greatest shoes, you should get a pair of our shoes since they are the shoes that are appropriate for you. Running shoes, casual shoes, and sports shoes are just few of the categories of footwear that can be found at our retail outlet for footwear. Our knowledgeable staff members that specialize in shoes are available to assist you in finding the perfect pair. Buy shoes from our online shoe store and enjoy the greatest shopping for shoes available for all of your footwear requirements!

In this particular instance, the word "shoes" is used much too often, and this does not improve the readability of the article or add anything of value to it. Because it may result in a bad user experience and may result in penalties in terms of search engine results, keyword stuffing is something that search engines prohibit its users from doing. It is essential to place primary emphasis on the generation of organic content that is of value to both users and search engines.


43. Which of the following is true regarding a website’s structure and navigation?


·        A higher bounce rate typically leads to more conversions.

·        It is best to have several pages that are not internally linked.

·        Whenever possible, use http:// and not https:// when creating new webpages.

·        You should have a consistent and readable URL structure.

44. What are breadcrumbs on a website?


·        A row of internal links at the top or bottom of the page that allows visitors to quickly navigate to a previous section or the homepage

·        A row of internal links at the top or bottom of the page that allows visitors to navigate to different websites

·        Simple and descriptive URLs

·        A tool that makes it easy for visitors to understand what they’ll find when they visit that page

45. What is a webpage’s position in the search engine results pages (SERPs) called?


·        Bounce rate

·        Domain

·        Rank

·        Index

Explanation: It is standard practice to refer to the position of a website inside the search engine results pages (SERPs) as the page's "Ranking" or "Search Engine Ranking." The position of the site in relation to the other results for a certain search query may be determined from the value shown. The purpose of search engine optimization (SEO) is often to enhance the ranking of a website by competing for better places in the search engine results pages (SERPs) in order to raise the page's exposure and bring in more organic traffic. Users have a greater propensity to click on a website that has a better ranking in search results.


46. The Google algorithm considers the overall value of a webpage when ranking search listings. It does this by identifying links from prominent websites. Which key factor does this represent?


·        Quality of content

·        Keywords

·        Meaning of query

·        Usability of webpages

Explanation: This is the primary consideration that constitutes what is referred to as "Backlink Authority" or "Link Authority." The total value of a webpage is taken into consideration by the Google algorithm, which does this by analyzing the quality and authority of the links that lead to that page from other websites. Backlinks from well-known and respected websites are taken into consideration to be an indication of the legitimacy and worth of the page. The page is more likely to get a high position in search engine results if it has backlinks that are both authoritative and related to the content of the page. The authority of a website's backlinks is an essential component of off-page SEO.

Shuffle Q/A 4

47. What do featured snippets display on search engine results pages (SERPs)?


·        A map and listings of local businesses

·        Videos at the top, middle, or bottom of the search results

·        Product information showing search results, such as its review rating, price, and availability

·        A special box that displays information about a search on the results page

Explanation: The featured snippets section of search engine results pages (SERPs) is located at the very top of the list of search results and provides a brief summary or response to a user's search query. The purpose of these snippets is to provide consumers a short and straightforward response without needing them to click on a particular search result. Featured snippets take the form of a box most of the time and, depending on the specifics of the query, may contain text, photos, or other forms of media.

For instance, if a user searches for "how to bake a cake," the highlighted snippet may show a step-by-step guide or a summary of the most important instructions for making a cake, taken from one of the search results. This information is pulled from the page that was most relevant to the user's search. The purpose of featured snippets is to improve the quality of the user experience by expeditiously providing relevant information in answer to frequently asked questions.


48. Which of the following statements regarding keywords is true?


·        Keyword stuffing provides a positive user experience and typically benefits a website’s ranking.

·        Keyword research is done after creating content.

·        Tools may help you in the keyword research process.

·        There is one preferred way to do keyword research.

49. Which pre-SEO work includes studying content already in the SERPs so that you can create webpage content that is better and more appealing than what is available elsewhere?


·        Know your competitors well

·        Brainstorm content for people first

·        Know your customers well

·        Know your website or organization’s goals

Explanation: It is common practice to refer to the pre-SEO work known as "Competitor Analysis" or "Content Gap Analysis." This work entails researching information that is already present in the SERPs in order to produce content for webpages that is superior and more attractive. You may optimize your own content to deliver more value, more relevance, and a better user experience for your audience by first gaining a knowledge of what is currently ranking and then identifying areas where existing material may be missing. You will have a better chance of ranking higher in the search engine results and will be able to distinguish yourself from the other businesses in the competitive environment.

50. One of the pre-SEO factors to consider is “knowing your customers well.” What does this include?


·        Set clear goals for the organization

·        Understand the people reading and experiencing your content

·        Prioritize and consider what the searcher needs from their query instead of what is already in the search results

·        Create better content than your competition by studying what they’ve created


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