Week 3 – Implementing Scrum

1. Which of the following best describes why Scrum Teams refer to the Product Backlog as a living artifact?


·        The Product Owner adds items at any time.

·        The stakeholders can add items at any time.

·        The team only adds items at the end of a Sprint.

·        The Product Owner only adds items at the end of a Sprint.

Explanation: The phrase "living artifact" gives the impression that the Product Backlog is an active entity that is always being modified. In Scrum, the Product Backlog is not a document that remains unchanged over time but rather a living, evolving, and often revised list of features, improvements, and problem fixes that need to be handled in the product. It changes as the product does and as the team's knowledge of the product changes, reflecting shifts in priorities, changes in the demands of the market, and input from stakeholders. Therefore, rather than just being a frozen moment in time, it serves as a dynamic, breathing guide for the development team.

2. Which of the following exhibit the best practices for formatting a user story?


·        Paint the client’s home to increase its value and protect its exterior surfaces.

·        As the homeowner, I want my home painted, so that it increases the value of my home and protects the exterior surfaces.

·        Paint the client’s home because they want to increase the value of their home and protect its exterior surface.

·        Paint my home because as a homeowner, it will increase its value and protect its exterior surfaces.


3. As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog items. You and your team have over 100 items to estimate and less than one hour to do it. Because of the time limit, you need a technique that will help your team quickly sort items by complexity. Which effort estimation technique should you use?


·        Planning Poker™

·        Dot Voting

·        The Bucket System

·        Affinity Mapping

Explanation: It seems as if you are seeking for a method of estimating the amount of work that is both fast and effective in this case. Planning Poker is a method that is often used for this specific goal. It is a strategy that is built on reaching a consensus, and each member of the team utilizes a deck of cards that have numbers on them to signify the level of difficulty or work required in a certain assignment. After going over each topic in depth in conversation, everyone in the group simultaneously chooses a card that corresponds to their estimation. It helps to swiftly classify things and prioritize them based on the team's consensus assessment, which is a huge time saver. This method is not only effective but it fosters teamwork and encourages members to contribute their ideas.

4. As a Product Owner, you set the initial Sprint duration the team has to work on their items. This refers to what Scrum concept?


·        Interval

·        Timebox

·        Time frame

·        Schedule

Explanation: Within the framework of Scrum, the idea of "Sprint Planning" is connected to the act of "setting the initial Sprint duration as a Product Owner." During the critical ceremony known as "Sprint Planning," the Product Owner works in conjunction with the development team to determine the Sprint Goal and choose the Product Backlog items that will be worked on during the subsequent Sprint. During this planning session, the length of the Sprint that has been decided upon is also established. Iterations that are time-boxed are known as sprints, and they typically last anywhere from one to four weeks. The length of a sprint's time frame is determined by a number of criteria, including the nature of the project, the capacity of the team, and the needs of the product.

5. Which of the following may indicate a task meets the Definition of Done? Select all that apply.


·        An independent peer group reviews the product

·        The product meets half of the acceptance criteria

·        The Product Owner accepts the story.

·        The product passes all testing requirements.


6. What typically occurs during the Sprint Review? Select all that apply.


·        Synchronize and prioritize activities for the team.

·        Discuss how to better work as a team.

·        Explore which items should be considered done in the Backlog.

·        Demonstrate and inspect the product.

7. What does the Scrum Team reflect on during a Sprint Retrospective? Select all that apply.


·        What updates should the team make to user stories in the next Sprint?

·        What’s working or not working for the team regarding the people, the processes, and the tools?

·        What improvements are worth exploring in the next Sprint?

·        Who was at fault for not accomplishing a story?

·        Were the improvements in the last Sprint helpful or not?

8. What’s the overall goal of a burndown chart?


·        Quantify performance for individual team members

·        Provide a way to compare productivity among teams

·        Serve as a communication tool for outside stakeholders

·        Keep the team aware of how they’re doing against their goals

Explanation: A burndown chart's overarching purpose is to provide a graphical representation of the progress that a Scrum team has made throughout a Sprint or an iteration. It offers a straightforward and simple method for tracking the work that has to be done versus the allotted amount of time (usually defined in effort estimate units such as narrative points or hours).

9. Why would a Scrum Team use a Kanban board? Select all that apply.


·        To make it easier to notice work-in-progress (WIP) limits

·        To take fewer notes

·        To give a better sense of the team’s flow of work

·        To visualize tasks

10. Utilizing tools in Scrum helps make the team fully aware of progress and updates. This embodies which Scrum pillar?


·        Transparency

·        Adaptation

·        Inspection

·        Commitment

Explanation: The "Transparency" pillar of Scrum is supported by the use of tools inside Scrum, the purpose of which is to keep the team informed of all developments and progress. The concept of transparency in Scrum places an emphasis on openness and visibility. This ensures that everyone working in the project has a clear awareness of the work that is being done, its state, and any information that is pertinent to the situation. The team improves its transparency by leveraging technologies that give real-time information and monitoring of progress. This paves the way for improved communication, decision-making, and alignment with the many stakeholders.

Shuffle Q/A 1

11. As a Product Owner building a Backlog, what pieces of information should you include for each item? Select all that apply.


·        A set value for the item, such as dollar signs

·        A clear description from the perspective of the customer

·        The level of effort required to complete the item

·        The date the item is due

12. Fill in the blank: As a Product Owner writing a user story, you want every task to have a clear Definition of Done. A clear Definition of Done helps the team better understand how much effort it will take to complete an item. Including a Definition of Done in a user story makes it _____, one of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story-writing criteria.


·        independent

·        negotiable

·        valuable

·        estimitable

Explanation: If a user narrative has a Definition of Done, then the user story is considered "Testable," which is one of the requirements for authoring an I.N.V.E.S.T. story. The I.N.V.E.S.T. criteria assist guarantee that user stories are clearly specified, that they can be managed, and that they are ready to be implemented. When used in this context, "testable" refers to the user narrative having clear and quantifiable criteria that can be used to determine whether or not the work has been completed and whether or not it satisfies the requirements that were defined.

13. You are a Product Owner estimating some user stories with your team. Using the Planning Poker™ method of estimation, you notice one of your team members has chosen the coffee card as part of their estimation. What does this typically mean?


·        The team member wants to end the meeting and stop.

·        They don’t have enough information to make an estimate.

·        They want to take a break.

·        There are no estimates to provide.

Explanation: When playing Planning PokerTM, if a player uses the coffee card as an estimate, it is most probable that they are trying to communicate their desire for a stop in the conversation or a break from the topic at hand. The coffee card is sometimes used as a signal to signify that the person needs a break, a change of pace, or just a minute to walk away and refresh themselves. Other times, it is simply used as a signal to suggest that the person needs coffee. During the process of estimating, it is a means for members of the team to convey to one another in a manner that is not verbal that they may need a break. It's a fun approach to add some comedy and acknowledge the human need for breaks and pauses in conversations that are either very heated or particularly long.

14. Which of the following typically happens during a Sprint? Select all that apply.


·        The Sprint Goal is changed by the Product Owner as needed.

·        The Product Backlog is refined by the Product Owner as needed.

·        The project scope is clarified with the Product Owner as more is learned.

·        The work quality improves—or at least stays the same—when compared to the last Sprint.

15. Which of the following statements is true about the Sprint backlog in Scrum methodology?


·        The Sprint backlog will always have three user stories in the current Sprint.

·        The Sprint backlog defines the items to work on during the current Sprint.

·        The Sprint backlog is the same as the Product Backlog.

·        The Sprint backlog is team members’ most favorited user story.

16. What is a key goal of completing a Sprint review with the team?


·        To determine which items in the Sprint backlog have met the definition of done.

·        To prioritize the next Sprint items to work on and team availability.

·        To discuss stakeholder comments with the Product Manager.

·        To discuss how to better work as a team to get work done.

Explanation: When a Sprint review is finished with the team, the primary objective is to examine the Increment that was developed during the Sprint and to modify the Product Backlog as required. During the Sprint review, the Scrum Team and the stakeholders have the chance to work together, evaluate what was completed, and offer feedback on their observations.

17. When conducting a successful Sprint Retrospective, what type of questions should the Scrum Master ask the team?


·        Quick questions that require a yes or no answer

·        Questions that highlight an individual’s performance

·        Questions that identify the team’s biases and opinions

·        Open-ended questions that promote discussions

Explanation: In order to conduct a productive Sprint Retrospective, it is necessary to question the team in a way that is both introspective and constructive in order to gain insights and determine areas for growth.

18. What item can be used to track the number of tasks completed against time and see how many tasks are remaining on a project?


·        Task list

·        Burndown chart

·        Stakeholder analysis

·        Point estimation

Explanation: A "Burndown Chart" is a typical tool that is used to keep track of the number of jobs that have been accomplished versus the allotted amount of time and to determine how many work are still outstanding on a project. A burndown chart is a visual depiction that depicts the progress that a team has made over the course of time in terms of finishing tasks. often, it consists of two axes: one for time (often defined in Sprints or days), and the other for the amount of work that still has to be done (which may be measured in narrative points, tasks, or other units). The chart is said to "burn down" when tasks are finished by the team, and the objective is to have no outstanding work when the project or Sprint comes to a close. Burndown charts are helpful tools for monitoring and visualizing progress, and they are used in both the Agile and Scrum project management approaches.

19. What is the main benefit of allowing team members to physically move the status of an item between “To-do,” “In Progress,” and “Done?”


·        It helps Product Owners find the velocity of the team.

·        It allows team members to track who completes the most points.

·        It allows team members to clearly see the flow of a task.

·        It allows team members to use the status updates in Retrospectives.

20. Which of the following items can be a great tool to use to increase productivity and unblock items before the daily scrum meeting for a team member?


·        Microsoft Word

·        Google Slides

·        Keynote

·        Video Conferencing

Explanation: A "Task Board" or "Kanban Board" is an excellent instrument that a member of the team may use to boost productivity and unblock tasks in preparation for the daily Scrum meeting. These boards provide a graphical representation of the user stories or tasks that are in various phases of the workflow, such as "To-do," "In Progress," and "Done."

21. What does the estimate of a specific item in a Product Backlog track?


·        How much money the stakeholders will provide for the item

·        How many developers will be working on the item

·        How much effort the item will take to complete

·        How much time the item will require

Explanation: In most cases, an estimate of a given item in a Product Backlog will keep track of the amount of work or the relative size of the task that must be completed in order to accomplish that particular item. This estimate is often given in terms of story points, ideal days, or any other unit of measurement that the Scrum Team use. Providing a general knowledge of the amount of work or complexity that is connected with each item in the backlog is the goal of the estimation process for backlog items.

22. A Product Owner writes a user story for an item in a Sprint. They ensure all the parts of the user story are complete and ready to hand off to the quality analysis team. Which of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criteria is the Product Owner trying to fulfill?


·        Independent

·        Negotiable

·        Valuable

·        Testable

Explanation: The Product Owner is attempting to satisfy the "Ready" portion of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criteria by ensuring that all the pieces of the user narrative are finished and prepared to be handed off to the quality analysis team. The "Ready" criteria places an emphasis on the fact that a user narrative should be well-prepared and precise enough to be picked up by the development team without any ambiguity or the requirement for further information being required.

The letter "R" in the acronym "I.N.V.E.S.T." stands for "Ready," and it urges Product Owners to ensure that user stories are ready for implementation. This includes having clear acceptance criteria, a defined scope, and all of the essential information for the development team to begin the task successfully and finish it.

Shuffle Q/A 2

23. As a Product Owner doing story estimation, you tell your team to keep their initial estimate private. Keeping their estimate private allows team members to form an independent opinion before sharing. Which effective estimation characteristic does this refer to?


·        Promote inclusivity

·        Lead to effort discovery

·        Build team trust

·        Avoid anchoring bias

Explanation: In terms of an effective assessment, the quality known as "Independence" is the one being referred to here. The Product Owner is encouraging team members to engage in independent thought by giving them the instruction to keep their first estimate confidential. Everyone on the team comes to their own conclusion on their own, without letting the opinions of their teammates sway them. This guarantees that there is a varied variety of opinions and eliminates groupthink, which allows for a process of estimating that is more accurate and impartial overall. It is a strategy that facilitates the use of the group's accumulated knowledge in order to arrive at an estimate that has been thoughtfully analyzed.

24. How much time exists between Sprints for a Scrum team?


·        One week

·        One month

·        Zero days

·        Two days

Explanation: The length of time that passes between iterations of a sprint for a Scrum team is usually the same, and this period of time is referred to as the "Sprint Interval" or the "Sprint Cadence." Sprints are time-boxed iterations that are used in Scrum, and throughout these iterations, a potentially shippable product increment is developed. During Sprint Planning, the duration of the Sprint is established, and this length is maintained throughout each iteration.

The actual length of a Sprint is determined by the Scrum Team based on a number of criteria, including the nature of the work, the capacity of the team, and the needs of the product. The most common Sprint lengths are one, two, three, or four weeks.

Therefore, the amount of time that elapses between sprints is roughly equivalent to the duration of a single sprint less any extra time that may be needed for Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective for the subsequent iteration. The completion of one iteration of the Sprint triggers the start of the subsequent Sprint, ensuring that the development cycle for the team follows a consistent and dependable rhythm.

25. The Scrum team has completed a user story and has received a sign-off from the Product Owner on the acceptance criteria. What should the status of this user story be?


·        Definition of Done

·        Definition of Reviewing

·        Development Completion

·        Sprint Completion

Explanation: The status of a user story is often set to "Done" or another word that is equivalently used by the team after a user story has been finished and the Product Owner has granted sign-off on the acceptance criteria. This occurs once the user story has been completed. When referring to a user story in Scrum, "Done" indicates that the user story has been successfully implemented, that it satisfies the acceptance criteria, and that it is ready for release or deployment.

The definition of "Done" is something that the Scrum Team discusses and comes to an agreement on during the Sprint Planning phase. This definition acts as a set of criteria that must be met in order for a user story to be regarded as finished. When a piece of work reaches the "Done" state, it signifies that it is of high quality, that it satisfies the criteria set by the team, and that it is possibly shippable.

26. A stakeholder wants to know how many items in the Product Backlog the team will complete in a specific time period. What can the Scrum Master focus on to get this data?


·        The team’s velocity

·        The team’s Sprint reviews

·        The item’s order number

·        The average duration of the Sprints

Explanation: The Scrum Master may look at the team's historical velocity in order to forecast how many items from the Product Backlog the team will finish in a given amount of time. The quantity of work that a Scrum Team is able to perform in a given Sprint is referred to as its velocity. It is often computed by adding the number of story points or some other kind of estimating unit that correspond to the finished user stories from the Sprints that came before.

The Scrum Master is able to offer a credible estimate of the team's capability for completing backlog items in the forthcoming Sprints by doing an analysis of the team's historical velocity and reporting their findings. This historical data may be utilized for release planning and forecasting, and it also helps stakeholders better understand the speed at which the team is working.

It is vital to keep in mind that velocity is not a guarantee of future performance; nonetheless, it does provide a helpful guideline for projecting how much work a team can finish based on its previous performance.

27. Which tool is helpful for documenting Backlog and item information?


·        Spreadsheets

·        Video chat

·        Email

·        Presentations

Explanation: A "Scrum Board" or a "Kanban Board" is a tool that is often used in Scrum for the purpose of recording information on the Backlog and individual items. These boards, whether they are actual or digital, provide a visual depiction of the work that needs to be done, the work that is now being done, and the work that has been finished. They are especially helpful for monitoring and recording the status of items in the Product Backlog, which is a list of things that need to be done.

Tools for managing projects such as Jira, Trello, and Azure DevOps are often used in the context of digital settings. Backlog items may be created, prioritized, and documented with the use of these technologies. Additionally, many of these solutions provide capabilities that enable users to attach extra information, comments, and specifics to each backlog item.

In addition, dedicated software for Scrum or Product Backlog management may be used in order to organize and record backlog information. The preferences of the team, the nature of the project, and the amount of cooperation and openness that is expected by the team and stakeholders will all play a role in the decision of which tool to use.

28. Which of the following best describes the purpose of a Product Backlog for the Scrum team?


·        It is the guide and roadmap of your product.

·        A complete description of what your product will do.

·        The training module for your product’s release.

·        A collection of thoughts about the product from your team.

Explanation: A dynamic and prioritized list of all the tasks that need to be completed in order to realize the product's vision and objectives is the function that the Scrum team expects a Product Backlog to fulfill for them. It serves as a centralized location for all of the needs necessary to make modifications to the product.

29. A Product Owner writes a user story for an item in a Sprint. They ensure that the story is something that will be beneficial to the user. Which I.N.V.E.S.T story writing criteria are they trying to fulfill?


·        Independent

·        Negotiable

·        Valuable

·        Estimitable

Explanation: The "Value" component of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criterion is being attempted to be satisfied by the Product Owner, who does this by ensuring that the user narrative is something that will be of use to the user. The letter "V" in the abbreviation "I.N.V.E.S.T." stands for "Value," and it underlines that user stories should deliver tangibly useful information to the end-user or customer.

The Product Owner ensures that the team is working on additions or upgrades that correspond with the overall aims and priorities of the product by ensuring that they are concentrating on the value offered via user stories. This maximizes the effect that the product has on users and stakeholders.

30. As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog items. You have a small team and a large number of Product Backlog items. Which effort estimation technique should you use based on the team size and amount of tasks?


·        Planning Poker™

·        The Bucket System

·        Affinity Mapping

·        Ordering Method

Explanation: The "Relative Estimation" strategy, along with a method such as Planning Poker, is an appropriate way for estimating the amount of work required when dealing with a small team and a big number of items on the Product Backlog. The team is able to assess the work or complexity of several backlog items compared to one another via the use of a method called relative estimation, which is an approach that is both rapid and collaborative.

When playing Planning Poker, members of the team independently estimate the amount of work required to complete each item in the backlog, often making use of narrative points. After coming to their own individual estimations, members of the team then debate the discrepancies between those estimates in order to arrive at a consensus estimate. This strategy is effective, particularly when working with a high number of things, since it eliminates the need for extensive analysis and separate estimations of each item individually.

The team is able to swiftly prioritize tasks and manage the backlog with the help of relative estimating since it offers a relative knowledge of the amount of work involved. This frees them from having to spend an unnecessary amount of time doing thorough estimation for each item.

31. A Product Owner completes a Sprint cycle and prepares to start the next Sprint. They want to schedule a meeting to understand each team member’s availability and capacity. What type of meeting should they schedule to achieve this?


·        Sprint Proposal

·        Sprint Planning

·        Daily Scrum

·        Sprint Reflection

Explanation: A "Sprint Planning" meeting should be scheduled so that the Product Owner may have an understanding of the availability and capabilities of each team member for the subsequent Sprint. The ritual known as "Sprint Planning" is a standard part of the Scrum framework that takes place at the beginning of each Sprint.

32. Which role is responsible for assisting team members in clearing obstacles and unblocking their work?


·        Scrum Master

·        Product Owner

·        Key stakeholder

·        Another teammate

Explanation: The "Scrum Master" is the position that is responsible for supporting other members of the team in removing roadblocks and unblocking their work. The role of the Scrum Master is that of a servant-leader for the Scrum Team. One of the primary objectives of the Scrum Master is to eliminate obstacles that slow down the development of the team.

The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the work environment is hassle-free and conducive to productivity by proactively resolving issues, eliminating roadblocks, and encouraging cooperation. During the course of a Sprint, they collaborate closely with the team to identify any problems that may be preventing the team from achieving its objectives and provide solutions to those problems. In addition, the Scrum Master is responsible for assisting the team in continually improving their performance by identifying and resolving any systemic problems that may be contributing to obstacles.

33. Which of the following questions does a team’s velocity aim to answer?


·        How many stakeholders does this project need?

·        Which team member will take the most points in this Sprint?

·        What are the team’s opinions on the items to work on?

·        How long will it take to complete the Product Backlog?

Explanation: One of the metrics that is used in Scrum to quantify the quantity of work that a team has finished in a given Sprint is called velocity. It is the total number of story points or other units of estimate for the user stories or tasks that the team was able to successfully deliver within a given Sprint. The Scrum Team is able to better plan and anticipate how much work they can commit to in future Sprints when they have a thorough awareness of the team's velocity. This assists in the process of release planning and provides a foundation for continuous improvement.

34. A Product Owner writes a user story for an item in a Sprint. They ensure the team can discuss the item and make adjustments as needed. Which I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criteria are they trying to fulfill?


·        Independent

·        Negotiable

·        Valuable

·        Estimitable

Explanation: The "Negotiable" component of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story authoring criterion is being addressed by the Product Owner's efforts to guarantee that the team will be able to debate the item in question and make modifications as appropriate. The letter "N" in the abbreviation I.N.V.E.S.T. stands for "Negotiable," and it highlights that user stories should not be too comprehensive or inflexible. Instead, they should be open to debate, revisions, and cooperation between the Product Owner and the development team.

The team has the freedom to debate the specifics during Sprint Planning, modify the requirements as necessary, and ensure that everyone has a common understanding of the work that needs to be done since the team keeps the stories open for negotiation. This strategy of working together towards a same goal helps to the Sprint's overall success.

Shuffle Q/A 3

35. During the Sprint Review, what does the team unveil that demonstrates what they produced in a given Sprint that is considered releasable?


·        User story

·        Acceptance criteria

·        Product increment

·        Product Backlog

Explanation: The team will reveal the "Increment" that illustrates what they created in a particular Sprint during the Sprint Review, and this increment will be regarded ready for release when it has been revealed. The Increment is the total number of items from the Product Backlog that have been finished and might possibly be sent as a result of the team's efforts throughout the Sprint.

36. As a Product Owner hosting a Sprint Retrospective, you ask the team, “Where did we notice success?” This question reflects which Retrospective best practice?


·        Be blameless

·        Balance negative with positive

·        Take action

·        Change up the format

Explanation: During the Sprint Retrospective, the best practice is to concentrate on the positive elements and successes of the iteration, and the question "Where did we notice success?" reflects this best practice. This approach is consistent with the overarching notion of cultivating a constructive and positive culture inside the team.

The team will be able to celebrate their accomplishments, promote good habits, and discover practices that contribute to their success if they acknowledge and share their victories. The members of the team experience more motivation, engagement, and a feeling of success when they use this constructive approach. In addition to this, it offers significant insights into what is functioning effectively and how it might be sustained or enhanced in subsequent Sprints.


37. How do Product Owners typically organize items in the Backlog?


·        From simplest to most complex

·        From easiest to most difficult

·        From highest to lowest priority

·        From most to least time-consuming

Explanation: Typically, Product Owners would categorize the things in the Product Backlog based on the importance of those items to the entire product as well as the priority of those items. The Product Backlog is an evolving and prioritized list that provides the Scrum Team with a centralized location from which to get its needs.

38. A Product Owner writing a user story needs the story to fit within the planned Sprint. If the user story is too large, they break it down into multiple scaled-down stories to meet which of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criteria?


·        Independent

·        Negotiable

·        Valuable

·        Small

Explanation: If a Product Owner wants to achieve the "Small" part of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criterion, they will divide up a user narrative into many scaled-down stories so that it can be completed within the time constraints of the Sprint that has been established. The letter "S" in the abbreviation "I.N.V.E.S.T." stands for "Small," highlighting the importance of user stories being concise enough to be finished within the confines of a single Sprint.

The team will be able to offer incremental value within the time period of a Sprint if the bigger user stories are broken down into smaller activities that are more easily feasible. Better estimating, more precise planning, and continuous delivery of potentially shippable increments are all made possible as a result of this capability. Additionally, reducing user stories to more manageable chunks improves flexibility, adaptability, and the capacity to more effectively react to changes.

39. As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog for a small number of items. You’d like your team to reach a consensus on the number of items, and you would also like to incorporate the Fibonacci sequence. Which effort estimation technique should you use?


·        Planning Poker™

·        Affinity Mapping

·        Dot Voting

·        The Bucket System

Explanation: You may utilize a method known as "Planning Poker" to estimate a limited number of things, include the Fibonacci sequence into your calculations, and strive for team agreement all at the same time. The collaborative and participatory method of estimating work effort known as "planning poker" is used often in the Agile and Scrum development methodologies.


40. Which of the following indicates that a product meets the Definition of Done? Select all that apply.


·        The product meets half of the acceptance criteria.

·        The Product Owner accepts the story.

·        An independent peer group reviews the product.

·        The product passes all testing requirements.

41. Which of the following tools can help a large team visualize the progress of tasks that are assigned to all the team members?


·        Google Doc

·        Google slides

·        Kanban board

·        Spreadsheets

Explanation: A "Kanban Board" is a tool that may assist a big team in visualizing the progression of tasks that have been given to all members of the team. A Kanban Board is a visual representation of work items, which may either be presented on a physical board or via the use of digital technologies. This representation is used to track the progression of jobs through a workflow's many phases.


42. How can tools like Jira and Asana help teams who are practicing Scrum methodologies?


·        They can help store feedback from team retrospectives.

·        Team members can use them to adjust the project budget.

·        They can help track work items in Product Backlog.

·        Team members can use them to present slides.

43. Which of the following is true regarding the factors that determine how long a Sprint should last in the Scrum Methodology?


·        The timeline of a Sprint should be short enough to generate a learning cycle.

·        The stakeholders should decide how long Sprints should be for the team.

·        Sprints should always be set for two weeks for the Scrum Team.

·        Sprints should be as long as possible to allow developers to complete tasks.

44. A Product Owner decides to launch a new product for the clients. Which of the following options must be true for the release to be successful?


·        The features need to meet all of the requirements determined by the stakeholders.

·        The release needs to meet the minimum viable product requirements.

·        The first release of the product only needs to meet up to fifty percent of the requirements.

·        The release needs to meet requirements beyond the product increment.

45. What stakeholder benefit does a team provide when they have a stable velocity and refine their Product Backlog?


·        Able to compare the team to other teams at the company

·        Able to alter the project’s goals, milestones, and deliverables

·        Verify if the team is productive

·        Know approximately how long it will take to complete the Backlog

Explanation: In conclusion, maintaining a consistent velocity while also regularly refining the Product Backlog contributes to enhanced predictability, clear prioritizing, flexibility to change, and the effective delivery of value to stakeholders.


46. Focus is one of the values of Scrum methodology. Which of the following items can help determine whether a team is being assigned more work than required to focus effectively?


·        The work-in-progress (WIP) limit

·        The stakeholder comments

·        The Product Owner’s performance

·        The client’s feedback

Shuffle Q/A 4

47. Which effort estimation technique involves team members walking around the room and placing stickers on each item?


·        Affinity Mapping

·        Dot Voting

·        The Bucket System

·        Planning Poker™

Explanation: The approach for determining the amount of work required to complete a task that is generally known as the "Dot Voting" technique has team members wandering around the room and sticking stickers on each object. During the process known as "dot voting," each member of the team is given a predetermined amount of stickers or dots, and they are instructed to physically put their dots on the objects that they consider to be the most significant, valuable, or labor-intensive.

Instead of being utilized for numerical estimate, prioritizing is one of the most common applications of this method. By soliciting feedback from all members of the team in a form that is both visible and collaborative, it makes it easier for the team to swiftly determine which aspects are seen as being the most important or difficult.


48. Fill in the blank: The amount of work a Product Owner plans for the Sprint is based on _____.


·        direction from the customer

·        the future capacity of the team

·        direction from the stakeholders

·        the historical capacity of the team

Explanation: The quantity of work that a Product Owner expects to allocate to the Sprint is determined by the capacity and velocity of the team. The capacity of the team is the amount of work that the team can realistically take on during a Sprint, taking into consideration aspects such as the size of the team, the availability of individual members, and any time off that is scheduled. On the other side, velocity is a measure of the team's historical performance that indicates the typical amount of work that they have finished in previous Sprints. It shows how fast the team has been working. The Product Owner is able to make educated judgments regarding the quantity of work that should be included in the Sprint Backlog if they take into account both their capacity and their velocity.

49. During team retrospectives, the Scrum Master notices that a team member does not speak up or ask as many questions. What can they do to ensure all members can provide feedback? Select all that apply.


·        Pair up team members to encourage participation.

·        Take the first ten minutes of the meeting to implement some quiet journaling.

·        Make no changes and hope that they will be able to speak up in the future.

·        Ask that specific team member to speak up first during retrospectives.

50. How would you best compare a Kanban board to a Scrum board?


·        The Scrum board is more visual.

·        A project team has less use for a kanban board.

·        The Kanban board is better for tracking Sprint tasks.

·        They’re essentially the same tool with minor differences.

51. Which of the following options exemplifies the Scrum pillar of transparency?


·        Consistently track all progress and updates for a task.

·        Inspect new requirements and additional features from stakeholders.

·        Consistently track points each team member completes.

·        Allow team members to compete with each other on task timelines.

Explanation: Stand-ups every day Meetings, which are often referred to as Daily Scrums, are an important part of the Scrum process. During these meetings, the Scrum Team gets together to talk about their progress, their goals for the day, and any obstacles they may be facing. This daily communication helps to enhance openness by giving insight into the work being done by each team member, the problems they face, and how those things contribute to the overall aim of the Sprint. It guarantees that everyone is informed of the present state of the work and that effective collaboration can be achieved to fulfill the goals for the Sprint.

52. Who has the authority to cancel a Sprint if the Sprint Goal becomes outdated?


·        The Development Team

·        The Product Owner

·        The stakeholders

·        The project sponsor

Explanation: The Product Owner is the only person who has the power to terminate a Sprint. The Product Owner is the one who decides what should be accomplished during each sprint and is responsible for ensuring that the product's value is maximized. The Product Owner has the power to call off the Sprint at any point throughout the iteration if they believe that the Sprint Goal has become irrelevant or is no longer in line with the broader product goals.

However, before making a choice of this kind, it is imperative that the Product Owner discuss the matter with the Scrum Team as well as any stakeholders. The decision to cancel a Sprint is a momentous event, and as such, it should be made in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, taking into consideration the opinions and viewpoints of all of those parties. It is not a choice that is made on a whim, and it should be based on a careful analysis of how the shifting circumstances will affect the product objectives. Cancelling a Sprint is not something that is done lightly.

53. Work in progress (WIP) limits place constraints on how many items a team works on at any given time. What Scrum value do WIP limits encourage for a team?


·        Focus

·        Courage

·        Commitment

·        Openness

Explanation: Limits on the amount of work that is "in progress" (WIP) support the Scrum value of "Focus." The significance of focusing one's attention on a manageable amount of responsibilities in order to achieve one's highest levels of effectiveness and productivity is highlighted by the Focus value. WIP limitations prevent teams from overwhelming themselves with an excessive number of tasks at the same time, which in turn promotes a workflow that is more focused and controllable.

Teams may guarantee that they do not take on more work than they are able to successfully manage by using a Kanban or Scrum board to establish boundaries for the amount of work they have in progress at each step of the process. This pushes the team to finish what they're working on and deliver it before moving on to other duties, which cuts down on their need to multitask and increases their total productivity. As a direct consequence of this, efforts are now concentrated more intently on finishing work items, preserving quality, and gradually providing value.

54. Which of the following best describes the purpose of a Product Backlog for the Scrum team?


·        A complete description of what your product will do.

·        The training module for your product’s release.

·        It is the guide and roadmap of your product.

·        A collection of thoughts about the product from your team.

Explanation: A dynamic and prioritized list of all the tasks that need to be completed in order to realize the product's vision and objectives is the function that the Scrum team expects a Product Backlog to fulfill for them. It serves as the primary source of requirements for the product and is consulted for any modifications that are made to it.

55. Which of the following is a key deliverable of Sprint Planning?


·        Retrospective notes

·        The project charter

·        A burndown chart

·        The Sprint Backlog

Explanation: The "Sprint Backlog" is an important deliverable that comes out of the Sprint Planning process. During the Sprint Planning meeting, a dynamic and ever-evolving document known as the Sprint Backlog is developed. It contains the Product Backlog items that the Scrum Team has prioritized and committed to completing during the forthcoming Sprint.


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