Week 6 – Closing A Project


1. A project manager works with a stakeholder for months to open a community greenhouse. The stakeholder changes their expectations and the project timeline.

What actions can the project manager take to resolve this issue? Select all that apply.


·        The project manager can review the contracts with the stakeholder to include the timeline and the budget.

·        The project manager meets with the team to determine who is not doing their job correctly.

·        The project manager can establish a timeline to complete this project and propose a follow-up project.

·        The project manager avoids the stakeholder and continues with their original plan.


2. Which step of the closing process may be as simple as sending an email or as complicated as having a large meeting?


·        Host a closing celebration with the team.

·        Conduct a formal retrospective with the team.

·        Review contracts and documentation with the whole project team.

·        Make sure that all stakeholders are aware the project, or phase, is ending.


3. Consider the following project closing scenario:

The project manager does a final review of tasks and deliverables to ensure they are complete. They make sure there is written proof from stakeholders documenting that they are happy with the outcome. The project manager leads a meeting with the team to document what went well, what could be improved, and overall lessons learned. Finally, the team is disbanded, and the project manager thanks them for their work.

What step of the project closing phase is the project manager missing?


·        Document acceptance of the project outcome

·        Conduct a formal retrospective with the project team

·        Ensure the project has satisfied its deliverables, goals, and desired outcomes

·        Review all contracts and documentation


4. What are the main purposes of a closeout report? Select all that apply.


·        Gives the project manager time to meet with the team one last time to complete missing work

·        Provides an evaluation of the quality of work

·        Evaluates the project’s performance with respect to budget and schedule

·        Serves as a blueprint to document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered


5. In what three ways does a small closing process at the end of each milestone differ from a formal, more comprehensive closing phase at the end of the project?


·        After a milestone closing, during the project, there is no need to reach out to stakeholders.

·        After a milestone closing, during the project, stakeholders provide feedback regarding any changes that need to be made going forward.

·        A formal closing, at the end of a project, is the last step before a team disbands.

·        A formal closing, at the end of a project, includes an impact reporting meeting.


6. Consider the following scenario:

The project manager needs to include several sections in the closeout report for the Janco car company’s new car series launch. First, the project manager completes the executive summary, describing the project process and purpose. Second, they note the key accomplishments like meeting the launch’s objectives and highlighting the team’s impact on the project. Third, they identify open items like what the team didn’t complete, and add improvement ideas for similar, future projects. Fourth, they detail the next steps for follow-up projects. Fifth, they list the launch schedule with project milestones, project on-track status, and setbacks. And sixth, they list the project resources like the original project plan, stakeholder communications, and documents such as user manuals on how to unload cars from delivery trucks.

Which item is the project manager missing in their closeout report?


·        Next steps

·        Open items

·        Key accomplishments

·        Lessons learned

Explanation: It would seem that the project manager left out one essential component from the closeout report: an analysis of the things that were learnt. In spite of the fact that they have addressed a variety of topics, such as achievements, open items, further actions, and resources, it is very important to particularly address the lessons gained from the project. This involves taking some time to consider what aspects of the project were successful, what aspects might have used some tweaking, and how those learnings may be applied to future endeavors. It is an essential element for achieving continual improvement in the management of projects.


7. Fill in the blank: A retrospective is the best tool for reflection and _________ .


·        planning

·        improvement

·        budgeting

·        collaboration

Explanation: Always striving for betterment! A retrospective is a terrific tool for reflecting on what went well, what might have gone better, and working out how to continue to grow better in the future. A retrospective may be organized in a number of different ways. It's kind of like the project's version of a therapy session.

8. Your team has completed their project, but you’ve neglected to close it out and confirm all work is done. What sort of impact can this create for your organization? Select all that apply.


·        Put your organization at legal risk

·        Remove unnecessary budgetary expenses

·        Damage your relationship with the customer or client

·        Negatively impact scheduled launch dates

9. Which closeout report section includes topics such as things the team didn’t get to work on and ideas for changes if they had the time?


·        Executive summary

·        Lessons learned

·        Key accomplishments

·        Open items

Explanation: This is the portion of the document under "Open Items and Improvement Ideas." In this section, the project manager discusses areas of the work that the team wasn't able to finish and offers suggestions for adjustments or enhancements that the team may be able to undertake if they had access to more time or resources. It is a segment that looks into the future and helps to the ongoing progress of the project while also providing useful information for upcoming undertakings.

10. Which of the following are benefits of hosting a retrospective at the closing of a project? Select all that apply.


·        Promotes positive changes

·        Decreases the following project’s budget

·        Encourages team building

·        Facilitates improved collaboration


Shuffle Q/A 1

11. What happens during a project closing? Select all that apply.


·        The team obtains formal recognition from key stakeholders that the project is complete.

·        The project manager and team confirms all project tasks are complete.

·        The team executes remaining project management processes, such as procedural or administrative work.

·        The customer identifies new deliverables and ongoing task work.

12. What are the potential effects on a project team if a project is not closed properly? Select all that apply.


·        Encourages the team to move on to new projects

·        Negatively impacts the team’s time and effort

·        Lessons learned could be lost if not recorded correctly

·        Diminishes the team’s credibility

13. As a project manager, you prepare a final presentation for stakeholders to summarize what your team has accomplished and answer any questions or concerns. What type of presentation should you prepare?


·        A request for proposal presentation

·        A risk register presentation

·        A statement of work presentation

·        An impact report presentation

14. What are the main purposes of the project closeout report? Select all that apply.


·        Celebrate the team’s success with a formal congratulations

·        Review the project’s performance in respect to budget and schedule

·        Provide an evaluation of the quality of work

·        Document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered

15. As a project manager, you put together closing documentation for a project. Which of the following steps should you complete? Select all that apply.


·        Create closeout reports

·        Review notes from any retrospectives

·        Gather final feedback from stakeholders

·        Verify that all team members completed their tasks

16. What should a project manager do to ensure an effective closing process? Select all that apply.


·        The project manager hosts a retrospective meeting for the team.

·        The project manager confirms the work is done and the agreed-upon closing processes are executed.

·        The project manager invites the stakeholders to provide the notes from their independent retrospective.

·        The project manager gives the stakeholders an impact reporting presentation.

17. What team considerations should the project manager focus on during the closing process?


·        Build a culture that allows retrospectives so teams can collaborate and have positive changes

·        Encourage the team to review one another’s work to find the weak link in the team

·        Review all project tasks to see where the team members could have been involved more

·        Work with each team member to review the work that they did and the deadlines they missed

18. Fill in the blank: As a project manager, it is important to avoid two kinds of projects: abandoned projects and _____ projects.


·        incomplete

·        never-ending

·        unapproved

·        unwritten

Explanation: It is essential for a project manager to steer clear of two distinct types of projects: those that have been abandoned and those that will never be completed. Finding the optimal middle ground and ensuring that projects have well-defined termination criteria may help avoid either extreme from occurring.


19. Which document acts as a blueprint for what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered?


·        Retrospective review

·        Project closeout report

·        Impact report

·        ROAM analysis

Explanation: The Project Plan is the document that serves as a template for what the team accomplished, how they did it, and what they provided. It also describes what the team delivered. It provides a roadmap for the team to follow over the whole of the project lifecycle, including the project's goals, scope, dates, activities, and resources.


20. A project manager assigns tasks to a team that is not prepared or skilled in the languages required to implement the solution. The team is not able to complete the deliverables adequately. What type of project does this describe?


·        A never-ending project

·        A deadline project

·        A successful project

·        An abandoned project

Explanation: Whether you refer to it as a skill mismatch or a skill gap, this scenario presents a project that has one of those problems. Because the team does not have the essential abilities or the appropriate level of competence in the needed languages, they are having trouble executing the tasks that have been allocated to them and delivering the project in an effective manner. Differences in levels of expertise may have a major impact on the success of the project and may need modifications such as the provision of additional training or the recruitment of new team members who already possess the requisite level of knowledge.


21. Consider the following scenario:

The project manager reviews documentation for the project, including the statement of work and RACI chart. The project manager closes the vendor contract, submits all payments, and retrieves all final deliverables from contracted workers. They send an email communication to ensure all stakeholders are aware that the project is ending. Finally, the project manager finishes up the project by gathering final feedback and conducting closing surveys.

What step of the closing process did the project manager skip in this scenario?


·        Refer to documentation created earlier in the project

·        Complete any necessary follow-up work, such as gathering data and information

·        Conduct administrative closure of the procurement process

·        Put together closing documentation, such as creating closeout reports

22. As a project manager, you prepare a final presentation for stakeholders to summarize what your team has accomplished and answer any questions or concerns. What type of presentation should you prepare? Select all that apply.


·        Gives the project manager time to meet with the team one last time to complete missing work

·        Evaluates the project’s performance with respect to budget and schedule

·        Serves as a blueprint to document what the team did, how they did it, and what they delivered

·        Provides an evaluation of the quality of work

Shuffle Q/A 2

23. Which document can serve as a knowledge transfer between project managers?


·        A project closure document

·        A risk register

·        A statement of work

·        An open items list

Explanation: A thorough Post-Project Review Report or Lessons Learned Document is a good example of a document that may facilitate the exchange of information between different project managers. Throughout the course of the project's lifespan, several insights, experiences, and lessons were gathered that are documented in this paper. It enables the new project manager to have a better understanding of what aspects performed well, what obstacles were encountered, and what suggestions might be made for future projects. In its most basic form, it is a knowledge repository that contributes to the ongoing development of best practices in project management.


24. What is a benefit of retrospectives?


·        They help identify areas for improvement.

·        They manage stress for project managers.

·        They allow team members to share details on past projects.

·        They help with a team member’s performance review.

Explanation: The fact that retrospectives make it easier to make consistent improvements is one of the most important advantages they provide. Retrospectives help to the continual growth and refinement of processes and practices because they require participants to reflect on the performance of the project or team, determine what worked well and what might be improved, and then make changes based on the insights gained from these evaluations. This cyclical feedback loop enables teams to grow more effective, efficient, and flexible during the course of their work together.


25. Which of the following are true regarding a team celebration at the end of a project? Select all that apply.


·        It fuels positive change within the team.

·        It helps improve collaboration on future projects.

·        It typically needs to be approved by stakeholders.

·        It can be a team-building exercise.

26. What are the impacts of not formally closing a project?


·        A strained relationship and lack of credibility with customers, users, and vendors

·        Project stakeholders work with project managers to complete the project

·        Not enough work for the team if the project isn’t closed

·        The project team will move on to the next project

27. As a project manager, you are preparing for the initial launch of a product and further product updates in the near future. Does the initial launch need a closing process and why?


·        This launch does not need a closing process because initial launches can happen multiple times.

·        This launch does need a closing process because the first launch is a milestone that will not be re-addressed.

·        This launch does not need a closing process because that requires more work for the project manager.

·        This launch does need a closing process because all projects have a closing process for milestones.

Explanation: The answer is yes; even the very first launch of a product has to have a closure procedure. The closure procedure is not only used to bring an end to a project; it is also responsible for providing a seamless transition from one phase of the project to the next. When discussing the introduction of a new product, the pre-launch phase is analogous to an independent project in and of itself.

28. In what ways does a small closing process at the end of each milestone differ from a formal, more comprehensive closing phase at the end of the project? Select all that apply.


·        A formal closing, at the end of a project, is the last step before a team disbands.

·        A formal closing, at the end of a project, includes an impact reporting meeting.

·        After a milestone closing, during the project, there is no need to reach out to stakeholders.

·        After a milestone closing, during the project, stakeholders provide feedback regarding any changes that need to be made going forward.

29. What stage of the closing process are retrospectives done? Select all that apply.


·        When a new team member joins the project

·        At major completions or milestones

·        When a new task is completed

·        At the end of a project

30. As a project manager, your team has completed the required tasks for a project. What is the first step of the closeout process?


·        The project manager can review all tasks to assure the work is completed and no tasks were missed.

·        The project manager can ask the client to sign off on the contract documents.

·        The project manager meets with the team to celebrate the completed work.

·        The project manager can start another round of user testing.

Explanation: After finishing all of the activities that were necessary for a project, the first step in the process of closing off the project is normally to formally accept the deliverables from the project. This comprises ensuring that the outputs of the project fulfill the agreed-upon standards and getting official recognition and approval from the key stakeholders in the project. When the deliverables of the project are formally approved, it paves the way for the remaining stages in the process of closing up the project, such as documenting the process, conducting an assessment, and communicating the results.


31. What steps should a project manager take to make sure a project is closed? Select all that apply.


·        Get formal recognition from stakeholders that the project is done

·        Spend any remaining funds in the project’s budget

·        Ensure all agreed upon project management processes are complete

·        Confirm all tasks and work are complete

32. Who is a project closeout report often written for?


·        Project managers

·        Vendors

·        The development team

·        Stakeholders

33. User acceptance testing for a product results in more unblockable bugs and the client is unsatisfied with the product. What type of project does this describe?


·        Never-ending

·        Incomplete

·        Unapproved

·        Unwritten

Explanation: When user acceptance testing for a product unearths a large number of faults that cannot be fixed and the customer expresses dissatisfaction with the product, this is often indicative of a project that is struggling with substantial quality or performance concerns. It's possible that the project is having trouble living up to the quality requirements or the expectations of the customer, which has led to their discontent and raised questions about the product's preparedness for deployment. In situations like these, it's possible that extra testing, debugging, and corrective measures may be required to resolve the problems and fulfill the needs of the customer.


34. The deadline for a specific project has not been properly communicated with stakeholders and is pushed out continuously. What type of project has this become?


·        A never-ending project

·        A successful project

·        A deadline project

·        An abandoned project

Explanation: It is common for there to be an instance of a sliding deadline or a delayed project when the deadline for a project has not been effectively communicated with the stakeholders of the project and is continually pushed out. It seems that there will be difficulties in fulfilling the deadlines that were initially established due to a lack of clear information about the schedule as well as periodic delays. Frustration among the project's stakeholders and an overall negative impression of the management and execution of the project might result from this.

Shuffle Q/A 3

35. As a project manager, how can you determine if milestones need a closing process?


·        If the team decides the milestone closing process will waste time

·        If a stakeholder requested it in the project charter

·        If there are more milestones than project tasks

·        If the milestones won’t be re-addressed at a later time in the project

36. What project closeout report section explains what went well and what went wrong during the project?


·        Key accomplishments

·        Next steps

·        Resources and project archives

·        Lessons learned

Explanation: The "Lessons Learned" portion of a project closeout report is often titled "Lessons Learned," and its purpose is to discuss both what went well and what went wrong throughout the course of the project. The project manager will provide vital insights for future projects by reflecting on the triumphs and problems that were faced over the course of the project in this section of the report. It often includes a discussion of best practices, areas for improvement, and suggestions based on the experiences collected during the course of the project.


37. What should a project manager do at the end of a project to document acceptance from all stakeholders?


·        Review the budget with stakeholders

·        Review the risk register with the stakeholders

·        Ensure you have written proof that all stakeholders are happy with the outcome

·        Ensure training documentations are finalized with the stakeholders

38. Fill in the blank: The project closeout report is made by project managers primarily for _____.


·        team members

·        project managers

·        stakeholders

·        vendors

Explanation: Project managers are responsible for writing the project closeout report, which is mainly intended for stakeholders. It provides essential information for individuals who have a vested interest in the project or are impacted by it, serving as a complete account of the project's results, successes, and lessons learned. 

39. During the project closeout stage, you plan to take the team out and award them dinner for their accomplishments. What step of the project closure stage are we implementing?


·        A performance review

·        An an impact report meeting

·        A retrospective meeting

·        A team celebration

Explanation: The implementation of a team dinner at the project closeout stage to reward and celebrate the team's successes corresponds with the step of recognizing and appreciating the team's efforts. The meal's purpose is to celebrate the team's accomplishments. As part of the process of bringing an end to the project, this is a good and inspiring approach to celebrate the hard work and successes that have been accomplished by the members of the team.


40. As a project manager, which of the following should you include in the closeout report? Select three that apply.


·        Daily project tasks, such as a breakdown in a spreadsheet

·        Resources, such as the original project plan

·        Key accomplishments, such as which objectives the team met

·        Open items, such as ideas for changes you’d like to make

41. What items will help the customer understand the product after project closing? Select all that apply.


·        How to guides

·        Risk registers

·        Statement of work

·        Product manuals

42. Due to an inadequate handoff, the final deliverable never made it to the customer. What type of project does this describe?


·        Abandoned

·        Unwritten

·        Unapproved

·        Never-ending

Explanation: The fact that the customer was never provided with the final product as a result of an unsatisfactory handoff is indicative of a problem in the project management system that is connected to either communication or transition management. This might be an example of a project that had a handover failure or delivery mismanagement, which means that the transfer of the finished product from the project team to the client was not carried out in the way that it was supposed to be. This underscores the necessity of clear handoff mechanisms and excellent communication in the management of projects.


43. As a project manager assigned to a new project, what document can you reference in order to get information on past similar projects?


·        The stakeholder feedback survey

·        The team members’ performance review

·        The statement of work for the new project

·        The project’s closeout report

Explanation: A project manager may refer to a document known as a Post-Project Review Report or a Lessons Learned Document in order to get information about previous projects that were comparable to the current one. This document often includes insights, experiences, and lessons gained from past projects, offering useful knowledge that may guide decision-making and planning for the current project. offering this information can be helpful. It acts as a storehouse for information, recording both the achievements and the difficulties that were faced in previous attempts of a similar kind.


44. What should a project closing report resources section include? Select all that apply.


·        Documentation of stakeholder feedback

·        Links to the original project plan

·        Technical information for product deliverables

·        Phone numbers of all team members and stakeholders

45. Fill in the blank: When closing a project, you should gather _____ from your team to help you improve processes and grow as a project manager.


·        compliments

·        rewards

·        opinions and biases

·        feedback

Explanation: When you are wrapping up a project, you should solicit feedback from your team so that you may enhance your management skills and become a better project manager. Collecting feedback not only gives useful insights into the viewpoint of the team on what went well and what might be improved, but it also acts as the basis for continuous development in the practices of project management.


46. Fill in the blank: A _____ is a meeting to discuss successes, failures, and possible future improvements on the project.


·        retrospective

·        stakeholder review

·        closeout

·        status update

Explanation: A conference called a "retrospective" is held to examine the accomplishments of the project, as well as its shortcomings and opportunities for future enhancement. During a retrospective, the project team discusses their previous endeavors, thinks back on their experiences, and comes up with insights and lessons learnt together so that they may improve their performance on future endeavors.

Shuffle Q/A 4

47. What is the purpose of the impact report?


·        Protect the scope of the project by properly communicating project issues

·        Determine if the project needs a small closing process at the end of each milestone

·        Review the project with team members to discuss the details of the project

·        Demonstrate how the project went and discuss the impact of its product or service

Explanation: An impact report's objective is to give an analysis of the impacts or influence that a certain project, initiative, or activity has had on a number of different facets of the organization's operations. In most cases, the alterations, effects, or results that were brought about by the project are detailed in this report.


48. What opportunities does the project closeout document provide for project managers? Select all that apply.


·        The team will be able to prevent confusion about the project in the future.

·        The team will be able to ensure every task is complete.

·        The team will be able to reflect on performance.

·        The team will be able to celebrate more in the future.

49. Fill in the blank: A retrospective is an opportunity for _____.


·        feedback and lecture

·        criticism and collaboration

·        planning and introspection

·        reflection and improvement

Explanation: A retrospective provides a chance for introspection as well as for making progress. The project team gets the opportunity to reflect on their experiences, evaluate what went well and what may be improved, and work together to discover methods to improve their procedures and performance in future projects during a retrospective.

50. A project manager describes the purpose and process of a project in their closeout report. What section are they writing?


·        Open items

·        Key accomplishments

·        Executive summary

·        Lessons learned

Explanation: In most cases, the portion of the closeout report known as the Executive Summary will be the one in which the project manager discusses the objectives and methodology of the project. In the Executive Summary, a condensed summary of the project is provided, describing its goals, essential procedures, and general purpose. The purpose of this section is to act as an introduction to the final report, providing the audience with a concise summary of the project's background and relevance.

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