1. Which of the following can be done using the developer tools in your browser? Select all that apply.

  • Inspect the HTML elements of a web page. 
  • Check JavaScript error logs. 
  • Inspect a timeline of HTTP requests and responses. 
  • Upload images to the web server
  • Inspect the performance and memory usage of a webpage. 

2. In software development, a library provides _________________________.

  • Reusable pieces of code that can be used by your application. 
  • A structure for developers to build an application with.

Explanation: During the process of developing software, a library is a collection of pre-written, reusable code that developers may use to execute common activities or functions. This eliminates the need for developers to create the code from scratch. Libraries are intended to be a collection of routines or modules that may be implemented into a software program. This makes the process of developing the application easier and encourages the reuse of code. The majority of the time, they provide a variety of functionality and features that are simple to include into a variety of projects.

3. In software development, an API is _________________________.

  • a set of functions that an application component or service can provide. 
  • a text editor to write code with.

Explanation: An application programming interface, often known as an API, is a collection of rules and tools that are used in the process of developing software. Its purpose is to enable various software programs to interact with one another. Specifically, it specifies the procedures and data formats that applications might use in order to seek and share information. APIs play a significant part in facilitating the integration of various software systems, which in turn enables these systems to function in a smooth manner with one another.

4. Which of the following are benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio Code? Select all that apply.

  • Syntax Highlighting 
  • Error Highlighting 
  • Autocomplete 
  • IntelliSense 
  • Autodelete

5. A server is a computer that runs applications and services, ranging from websites to instant messaging. You have just learned about a web server which is a specific type of server. Which of the following statements are true? Choose all that apply.

  • Web servers don’t perform email management.
  • Web servers can handle thousands of requests from clients per second. 
  • A web server can handle security. 
  • A web server can function as website storage and administration. 

6. Which of the following technologies is used to structure content on a webpage?

  • HTML 
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Explanation: Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, is the technology that is used to format the material that is shown on a website. When it comes to the creation and organization of material on the web, HTML is the standard markup language. A collection of components or tags that form the structure of a website is provided by it. These elements include headers, paragraphs, lists, links, pictures, and an assortment of other elements.

CSS, which stands for cascading style sheets, is an additional technology that is used in combination with HTML to manage the appearance and styling of the content. JavaScript, on the other hand, is utilized for the purpose of incorporating interactive features and dynamic behavior into websites. However, HTML is the major technology that is used when it comes to the creation of content structures.

7. True or false: A web browser is a software application that you use to browse the world wide web.

  • False
  • True 

Explanation: Indeed. Users are able to access and traverse the World Wide Web via the use of a software program known as a web browser. Web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge are among the most popular and widely used. They are responsible for interpreting HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in order to display online content on a user's device. This material includes text, pictures, and video. While navigating between various web sites, users have the option of either entering web addresses (URLs) or clicking on links.

8. True or false: Cloud hosting uses a combination of physical and virtual servers?

  • False
  • True 

Explanation: Indeed. Cloud hosting often necessitates the use of both physical and virtual servers respectively. A cloud hosting environment is characterized by the presence of actual servers that are housed in data centers. These physical servers are then used to generate virtual servers. Through the use of virtualization technology, it is possible to operate several virtual servers on a single physical server. By constantly adding and deleting virtual servers, cloud hosting companies are able to dynamically assign resources and scale their services in response to fluctuations in demand. The flexibility and scalability of cloud hosting are two of its most important characteristics.

9. Is the following statement true or false? The payload part of IP packets supports multiple protocols to make sure that information arrives as expected. Two of these are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). UDP is used to send data that must arrive correctly and in order.

  • True
  • False 

Explanation: Refuted. The assertion is not founded on reality. There are a number of protocols that may be supported by the payload portion of IP packets. These protocols include Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Because it does not guarantee the delivery of packets or the sequence in which they are received, UDP is often used for applications that are able to withstand a certain amount of data loss. In contrast, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a connection-oriented protocol that guarantees the transmission of data in a dependable and organized manner. When it is necessary for data to arrive in the proper order and in the correct sequence, TCP is a better option than UDP.

10. Which of the following web resources can be transferred using HTTP? Select all that apply.

  • HTML Documents 
  • Images 
  • Files 

11. In the first example of a digital clock, which type of file ensured that the display updated with the correct time?

  • The JavaScript file 
  • The CSS file
  • The HTML file

Explanation: When it comes to a digital clock that displays the proper time, the file that guaranteed the display was updated with the correct time is most likely a script that was written in a programming language such as JavaScript. JavaScript is a programming language that enables web pages to exhibit dynamic and interactive behavior. Additionally, it may be used to alter the content of the page directly in real time.

When it comes to a digital clock, JavaScript may be used to obtain the current time from the user's device and then update the display in accordance with that information. Either the JavaScript code would be included within the HTML content itself or it would be linked as an external script file. This would ensure that the clock would update dynamically without the need for the website to be refreshed.

12. Think of your favorite interactive map, social media site or video content site. What features and functionality do you think web applications provide to their users?  Select all that apply.

  • Personalized content. 
  • A high level of interactivity.
  • Dynamically updated content. 

13. As a developer, there are several web browser developer tools available to you. For example, there is a console tab that outputs JavaScript logs and errors from a web application. Which of the following statements are true? Choose all that apply.     

  • The Sources tab shows all content resolved for the current page. 
  • The Network tab allows you to inspect the timeline and details of HTTP requests and responses for a webpage. 
  • The Memory tab displays the parts of your code that are consuming the most resources. 
  • The Performance tab shows all of the information from all of the different tabs in one place.

14. To reduce development time, developers use libraries in their application development. What’s the main feature of a library? 

  • Reusable pieces of code. 
  • A structure for developers to build with.

Explanation: When it comes to application development, the most important aspect of a library is that it offers reusable chunks of code, functions, or routines that developers can use to carry out typical operations without having to build the code from scratch. Code that has been pre-written and tested is often included inside libraries. This code may be readily incorporated into an application, which assists developers in saving time and effort.

15. You are building a website with a team of developers. The team lead refers to APIs as gateways. Is this a correct use of terminology?

  • Yes 
  • No

Explanation: There are occasions when the word "gateway" is used informally to refer to application programming interfaces (APIs), however this is not the most exact or correct terminology. In the context of application programming interfaces (APIs) and web development, better terms to use would be "interface" or "endpoint."

16. An integrated development environment, or IDE, is software for building applications. This kind of software application has many different features to help you as a developer. Which of the following statements are true? Choose all that apply.   

  • Special keywords of the programming language are highlighted in different colors to make the code easier to read. 
  • IDEs have a feature called Error Highlighting.
  • IDEs have a feature that can detect variables and functions and offer them as suggestions during autocomplete. 
  • Refactoring is a process that changes the structure and functionality of the code.

17. When two computers connect directly to each other, this forms  ______________.

  • the Internet
  • a Network 
  • a Server

Explanation: This kind of connection is known as a point-to-point connection, and it occurs when two computers connect directly to one other.

18. The programs that run on a computer are called the ______________.

  • Hardware
  • Software 

Explanation: Software is the term used to refer to the programs that are executed on a computer.

19. The structure of a web page is defined using ______________.

  • HTML 
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Explanation: Internet Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the language that is used to describe the structure of a web page.

20. The style of a web page is defined using ______________.

  • HTML
  • CSS 
  • JavaScript

Explanation: A web page's style may be specified with the help of CSS, which stands for cascading style sheets.

21. Computers communicate with each other using which protocol?

  • Network Protocol
  • Mail Protocol
  • Mobile Protocol
  • Internet Protocol

Explanation: There are many different protocols that computers use to interact with one another; however, the Internet Protocol (IP) is one of the most often used protocols.

22. To communicate with another computer on a network, your computer sends a message called an __________________.

  • IP Packet 
  • IP Mail
  • IP Container

Explanation: A communication known as a packet is sent by your computer in order to interact with another computer that is connected to a network.

23. The web browser and web server use which protocol to transfer data?

  • DNS
  • SMTP
  • HTTP 
  • IMAP

Explanation: For the purpose of data transport, both the web browser and the web server make use of the Hypertext transport Protocol (HTTP).

24. In software development, a framework provides a structure for developers to build an application.

  • True 
  • False

Explanation: That's just right! When it comes to the creation of software, a framework does, in fact, provide developers a structure and a collection of tools that allow them to construct programs in a more effective manner. As a result, developers are able to concentrate on the particular needs of their application since it often contains predefined functions and libraries that make it easier to do typical tasks.

25. As a developer, it is best to use a _____________ to write and maintain code.

  • Word Processor
  • Integrated Development Environment 
  • Web Browser
  • Development Book

Explanation: When it comes to writing and maintaining code, it is more effective for a developer to make use of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software program that is all-encompassing and offers a variety of tools and capabilities to simplify the process of coding. In most cases, it consists of a code editor, a debugger, a compiler, and several additional tools that work together to make the development process more structured and efficient.

26. In software development, an API is a set of functions that an application component or service can provide.

  • True 
  • False

Explanation: An program Programming Interface, or API, is a collection of rules and protocols that, when used in software development, make it possible for one software program to communicate with another software application. Specifically, it specifies the procedures and data formats that applications might use in order to seek and share information. Even though application programming interfaces (APIs) do comprise functions, they are more than simply a means of giving functions; rather, they encompass a more comprehensive set of rules for communication between various software components.


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