Week 4: Evaluate Your Efforts

1. Imra has started a Flower of the Week post on Twitter, to help educate her followers about the different types of flowers out in the world. Is Twitter the best platform for this type of post?

  • Yes
  • No 

2. Imra noticed a jump in new followers on Instagram on May 28. What could be a reasonable cause of that?

  • The “How to: Tend Summer Garden” story was shared many times 
  • The “Bouquet Creations” Post was shared many times
  • The “How to: Tend Summer Garden” story received many likes
  • The Graduation Bouquets image received many click-throughs

Explanation: Instagram is a fantastic platform for posting about the Flower of the Week! Due to the fact that it is a site that is well-known for its brevity and visual content, it is simple for Imra to offer a brief image or an intriguing detail about each flower. In addition, she is able to interact with a larger audience that has a similar passion for flowers by using engagement features and hashtags. It is a brilliant and brilliant concept!

3. Calla & Ivy is going to be hosting some summer classes on floral arrangement, and Imra has posted twice about it, once on May 20 and once on May 27. What could be the reason why the second post led to more sign-ups?

  • It had a video
  • It was posted at a different time of day
  • It was posted on a different platform
  • There was more information in the post 

Explanation: Perhaps timing is the most important factor! Because of its closeness to the actual beginning of summer school, the piece that was published on May 27 had the potential to get greater attention. As the date drew near, individuals could have been more likely to sign up for the event because it seemed to be more urgent and they could make decisions appropriately. Additionally, it is possible that the repeating of the articles would have led to an increase in interest since it is often necessary for a concept to be exposed to several times before it is fully absorbed.

4. In honor of Fair Trade Day on May 13, Imra wanted to create some content to raise awareness around fair trade flower farms. Take a look at the blog post promotions from May 11, 12, and 13. What could be a lesson to take into future posts?

  • Nobody will click a link on Facebook if there’s already an image or video
  • The posts should ask a question in order to get better engagement
  • Creating content around a specific event doesn’t increase engagement
  • Including a video creates higher web traffic 

Explanation: The key to success is consistency! Despite the fact that it is commendable that Imra recognized Fair Trade Day on May 13, it is possible that raising awareness via a series of postings in the days leading up to the day might be even more meaningful. Instead of merely holding a promotion for a single day, you may want to think about developing a story that builds up expectation. Beginning earlier, such as on May 11, and gradually building up to the big event on May 13, might assist her audience become more engaged and educated in a more efficient manner. It makes it possible for followers to get more acquainted with the cause, which in turn enhances the likelihood that they will continue to display interest and participate.

5. Imra has started sharing articles to Twitter she thinks her audience may find useful. What is something that Imra should keep in mind when reposting articles written by other people?

  • Imra should remember to include hashtags in her post
  • Imra should remember to track the metrics of the post.
  • Imra should remember to mention (@) the account or publication where she found the articles

Explanation: It is caring to provide credit! Whenever Imra reposts material, it is imperative that she provide credit to the writers who originally created the content. This not only demonstrates that she respects their work, but it also infuses her material with a sense of genuineness. Additionally, it paves the way for the possibility of working together or engaging with the writers, and it has the potential to assist in the development of a constructive connection within the community. It is important for Imra to always acknowledge the source since doing so promotes transparency and helps her keep the confidence of her audience.

6. Since Calla & Ivy is a small business, and loves to support and work with the small businesses in the city, Imra has started featuring businesses in the neighborhood and how Calla & Ivy works with them through her Local Business Feature posts. What could be the reason for the high impression rate?

  • There’s a video with the post
  • The posts are being shared many times 
  • The posts are being posted on multiple platforms
  • People love to support small businesses

Explanation: The link to the community is essential! One possible explanation for the high impression rate is because the content is relatable and demonstrates a genuine interest in helping local companies. It is common for individuals to show more appreciation and engagement with information that promotes the community in which they are a member. The postings that Imra makes for the Local Business Feature section provide a feeling of authenticity by highlighting the spirit of collaboration and the ideals that are shared by Calla & Ivy and the companies in the area. It's not just about flowers; it's about cultivating a feeling of belonging and developing a local network, both of which are things that connect strongly with the audience.

7. Considering that Calla & Ivy’s audience is on Twitter during the late afternoon and evening, how is Imra doing on her posting schedule?

  • Pretty good! Imra should not change her posting schedule.
  • Great! All posts are within that time.
  • The time you post something on social media doesn’t matter.
  • She is doing okay.  Imra needs to adjust some of her posting times. 

Explanation: It would seem that Imra has a solid understanding of the routines of her audience! Increasing the possibility of interaction by posting throughout the late afternoon and evening coincides with the times of day when her followers are most engaged on Twitter, which is when she should be posting. Imra seems to have nailed it by carefully customizing her posting schedule to coincide with the times of day when her community is most likely to be online. It is essential to have a thorough understanding of the behavior of the target audience on each platform. Continue to flourish at those times of high demand!

8. Which of the following is a social media platform that Calla & Ivy hasn’t used yet and should expand?

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest 
  • Instagram

Explanation: It is possible that this platform might be an excellent medium for showcasing the beauty of flowers via the use of visually attractive photos and engaging with a more extensive audience. Because Instagram is so well-known for its visual content, it is an excellent platform for a company like Calla & Ivy, which places a large emphasis on aesthetics across its operations. With the help of the appropriate hashtags, Imra could engage with the Instagram community, spotlight items, and give glances behind the scenes of the company's operations. This is an opportunity that is ready to be explored, and it is absolutely amazing!

9. Imra has started a Flower of the Week post, to help educate her followers about the different types of flowers out in the world. Unfortunately, engagement has been pretty low. Which options below could improve engagement?  (Choose all that apply)

  • Post at a different time or day 
  • Post at more consistent and regular times
  • Add a link to the website 
  • Post on a different platform 
  • Add a visual to the post

10. Take a look at Imra’s blog post promotions. Which post had the least readership on the website, and what insight would that give her for writing future blog posts? (Choose one)

  • The personal story post had the least traffic; include more personal stories in future blog posts to create more of a personal connection.
  • Seasonal flowers post had the least engagement; observe the qualities of posts that do well and edit your seasonal flower posts going forward. 
  • Best wedding flowers post had the least engagement; create more “best of” lists.
  • The Fair Trade Day post had the least engagement; write more blog posts around sustainability and worker concerns.

Explanation: The post created on May 11 had the fewest number of readers on the website. It is possible that this insight suggests that beginning marketing earlier in the month or closer to the actual event may be more successful in attracting the attention of the audience and increasing traffic to the blog. This suggests that the time of the promotion is an important factor in determining the level of attention and engagement that is generated. Changing the promotional plan for next blog entries might result in a rise in the number of readers and will likely lead to overall success.

11. Imra has started posting about the bouquet creations she makes for her clients, in order to showcase the flowers and her skills, which will hopefully draw more people to order something they haven’t seen before. Which bouquet creations posts are receiving higher engagement?

  • Bouquet creations posting later in the day
  • Bouquet creations featuring questions 
  • Bouquet creations posts that appear later in the week
  • Bouquet creations featuring only images

Explanation: The blogs on the creation of bouquets that include a variety of flowers that have been artistically arranged and are distinctive seem to be garnering a greater level of customer involvement. People are often attracted to variety and creativity, particularly when it comes to material that is visually attractive, such as flower arrangements. These postings are likely to draw more attention, stimulate likes, comments, and shares, and eventually attract prospective customers who are interested in something that is unusual and eye-catching. This is because they showcase a variety of flowers and demonstrate Imra's creative abilities. Continue to blossom with your creative abilities!

12. Imra has started a Flower of the Week post, to help educate her followers about the different types of flowers out in the world. However, these posts are seeing very low engagement.  What could be a reasonable cause of the low engagement?

  • She is using the wrong platform 
  • Her audience does not like flowers
  • She is posting too late in the day
  • She is not using any visuals

Explanation: One of the potential reasons for the low level of engagement might be because there is a lack of interaction. It is possible that individuals may just scroll over the Flower of the Week postings without feeling obligated to participate with them if they are only educational and do not urge followers to engage in any way, such as by asking questions, encouraging comments, or seeking views. It may be possible to increase engagement by including components that encourage involvement and create a feeling of community in relation to the subject matter.

13. Imra makes a note of the important holidays throughout the month of May which might prompt her customers to purchase her flowers.  For each holiday, she has planned a post for Facebook with a link to her website and a purchase page.  Which holiday post was most successful with engagement?

  • Teacher’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Nurse’s Day
  • Mother’s Day 

Explanation: When it came to engagement, the post in honor of Mother's Day was the most successful. Holidays such as Mother's Day often elicit powerful emotional reactions, and as a result, individuals are more inclined to interact with information that is associated with such occasions of celebration. It is probable that the increased interaction on the Mother's Day article was due to the link to personal experiences as well as the desire to locate meaningful presents for loved ones. The sentimental nature of the holidays is something that Imra would want to take into consideration while writing future blogs in order to produce material that will connect with her audience.

14. Considering that Calla & Ivy’s audience is on Instagram during the early- to mid-afternoon, how is Imra doing on her posting schedule?

  • Great! All posts are within that time.
  • The time you post something on social media doesn’t matter.
  • Not good. Imra needs to adjust her posting time.
  • Pretty good! Most posts are between that time, but Calla & Ivy is still seeing good engagement from posts outside of the time frame. 

Explanation: It would seem that Imra is on the right track with her posting schedule, since she is aiming to publish between the hours of early afternoon and midday, which is when her following is most active on Instagram. Increasing the likelihood of increased interaction and exposure is something that she can do by coordinating the timing of her material with the times of day when her followers are most likely to be online. When she posts during these peak hours on a consistent basis, she increases the likelihood that her material will be noticed and enjoyed by the audience she is trying to reach. Continue to flourish during those hours that are ideal for Instagram!

15. Take a look at Imra’s blog post promotions. Which two posts created the most readership on the website, and what insight would that give her for writing future blog posts? (Choose two)

  • The Fair Trade Day post created high engagement; write more blog posts around sustainability and worker concerns. 
  • Seasonal flowers post had a lot of engagement; create more lists of seasonal flowers and plants.
  • The personal story post created a lot of traffic; include more personal stories in future blog posts to create more of a personal connection. 
  • Best wedding flowers post created a lot of engagement; create more “best of” lists.

Explanation: The blog post promotions that took place on May 20 and May 27 generated the most amount of readership on the website. The timing of advertisements around the end of May looks to be beneficial in attracting the attention of the audience and increasing traffic to the blog, which is the insight that this provides for writing future blog articles. Due to the fact that it seems to connect well with her audience and create increased reading, Imra could want to think about concentrating on similar time periods or deliberately arranging promotions around certain days in the future.

16. Imra has started posting about the bouquet creations she makes for her clients, in order to showcase the flowers and her skills, which will hopefully draw more people to order something they haven’t seen before. Which bouquet creations posts are receiving lower engagement?

  • Bouquet creations posting later in the day
  • Bouquet creations featuring image and questions
  • Bouquet creations featuring only images 
  • Bouquet creations posts that appear later in the week

Explanation: It's possible that posts that feature floral arrangements that are more straightforward or conventional are generating less attention. If Imra's audience is something that is attracted to originality and creativity, then postings that display arrangements that are more elaborate or novel have a tendency to attract attention and produce greater levels of interaction. There is a possibility that designs that are more straightforward could not be as noticeable or might not be in accordance with the tastes of her audience. Imra may increase her understanding of the preferences of her audience by experimenting with a range of styles and carefully tracking interaction. This will allow her to adjust her material in accordance with those tastes.

17. Calla & Ivy is going to be hosting some summer classes on floral arrangement, and Imra has posted twice about it, once on May 20 and once on May 27. What are some ways that Imra can gain more audience members for future promotional posts? (Choose all that apply)

  • Post on a different platform. 
  • Post at a different time of day.
  • Include all the information, such as class titles, descriptions, and dates. 

18. What is the importance of including a mention (@) of the account or publication where Imra found the articles to her posts?

  • It’s not a concern — no need for mentions in any shared content on social media.
  • Twitter can’t track metrics unless there’s an @ in the post.
  • It alerts the original poster that something they created has been shared, so that they and their audience become aware of and can engage with Calla & Ivy. 
  • It gives credibility to the post.

19. Considering that Calla & Ivy’s audience is on Facebook during the mid- to late-afternoon, how is Imra doing on her posting schedule?

  • Pretty good! Most posts are between that time, but Calla & Ivy is still seeing good engagement from posts outside of the time frame. 
  • The time you post something on social media doesn’t matter.
  • Not good. Imra needs to adjust her posting time.
  • Great! All posts are within that time.

Explanation: Her posting schedule is working out well for Imra since she is aiming for the middle to late afternoon, which is when her audience is most likely to be on Facebook. Increasing the probability that her work will be viewed and interacted with by a bigger audience by posting during these busy hours is a significant improvement. Maintaining a consistent posting schedule during the hours that are most conducive to engagement and visibility helps optimize both. Her material should be timed to coincide with the times of day when her Facebook audience is most likely to be online. This is a thoughtful move on her part. Continue to flourish at those times of high demand!

20. Which platform has the lowest engagement for Calla & Ivy, and could use more strategy for improvement?

  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Twitter 
  • Facebook

Explanation: Apparently, Twitter is the platform with the least amount of interaction for Calla & Ivy, and it would be beneficial to pay a little bit more strategic attention to it. It is well known that Twitter is a medium that is recognized for its brief and fast-paced material; however, modifying the approach by integrating more graphic features, interactive content, or the use of relevant hashtags might assist enhance engagement more effectively. It is also possible to get insights into what resonates most strongly with the Twitter audience by conducting experiments with different posting times and examining the performance of different sorts of tweets by analyzing their performance. Continually work on improving that method, and you will see the levels of involvement increase.

21. Imra makes a note of the important holidays throughout the month of May which might prompt her customers to make a purchase of her flowers.  For each holiday, she has planned a post with a link to her website and a purchase page.  Based on the data, we can see that the Mother’s Day post received the most engagement, including the most click-throughs to the purchase page.  In addition to Mother’s Day being a more popular holiday for buying flowers, what is another possible cause for the higher engagement of this post?

  • A reminder of the holiday was posted a few days prior to the post 
  • The Mother’s Day post included an image
  • It was posted to Facebook
  • It was posted in the morning

Explanation: A further potential explanation for the increased engagement of this article might be the emotional connection that is linked with the event, in addition to the fact that Mother's Day is a holiday that is often considered for the purchase of flowers. People are likely to be more motivated to connect with and act upon information that is relevant to showing love and admiration for their moms on Mother's Day because of the emotive significance that is generally associated with the holiday. Because it elicited a more personal and passionate reaction from the audience, the emotional resonance of the holiday most likely led to better engagement and click-throughs to the purchase page due to the fact that it encouraged more interaction. One of the most effective methods for increasing engagement and conversions is to acknowledge and capitalize on the emotional factors that are associated with the Christmas season.

22. Which platform has the highest engagement for Calla & Ivy?

  • Instagram
  • Facebook 
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest

Explanation: From the information that has been supplied, it seems that Facebook is the platform that has the greatest level of involvement for Calla & Ivy. The post that was made on Facebook for Mother's Day generated the highest interaction, including click-throughs to the website where the product could be purchased. It is quite encouraging to see that the information that was shared on Facebook was well received by the audience. It may be helpful to continue concentrating on techniques that are successful on this platform in order to retain and further increase engagement. Maintain your momentum on Facebook!

23. Imra wanted to broadcast the local Tulip Fest, on May 2, 3, and 9, to her followers in the hopes that it would boost engagement.  She chose to use Insta Live video to show her audience the festival as it was happening.  What could be a lesson to take into future posts?

  • Remind followers about the live video before it happens 
  • Do not use Insta Live again
  • Only use Insta Live for one day, not for consecutive days
  • Use Instagram Story instead of Insta Live

Explanation: Taking into consideration the potential of real-time interaction, Imra's Instagram Live video coverage of the Tulip Fest is the lesson that should be taken into consideration for future postings. Live videos provide a connection with the audience that is both genuine and one-of-a-kind, offering them the opportunity to witness events as they are happening. The fact that her audience is interested in this real-time and immersive material is shown by the excellent response that she received from streaming the Tulip Fest.

In next articles, Imra may take into consideration the possibility of including further live footage for events, views behind the scenes, or interactive question and answer sessions. Using the immediacy and authenticity of live material to develop a closer relationship with her audience is the lesson that she should take away from this experience. This not only gives her followers a more personal touch, but it also makes them feel more connected in the adventures that she discusses.

24. Take a look at Imra’s blog post promotions. Which post created the most readership on the website, and why might this have created the most traffic?

  • The best wedding flowers post created the most engagement because consumers like lists
  • The seasonal flowers post had the most engagement because seasonal flowers are the most popular item option for customers
  • The personal story post created a lot of traffic because the personal story created more of a personal connection 
  • The personal story post created a lot of traffic because it was posted at 11am

Explanation: The marketing of the blog post that was published on May 27 generated the greatest viewership on the website. There is a possibility that this is due to the fact that the time of the advertising was closer to the actual event or content release, which gives the impression of immediacy and importance. There is a possibility that individuals will be more likely to click and read when the material is current and relevant to their interests at the moment. It is possible that the lesson to be learned from this is that promotions that are timely and well-timed create more traffic. This highlights the need of taking into consideration the timing of promotional activities for future blog articles.

25. Imra has started posting about the bouquet creations she makes for her clients, in order to showcase the flowers and her skills, which will hopefully draw more people to order something they haven’t seen before. During what time of day are the bouquet creations posts most successful?

  • Bouquet creations posts that appear later in the week
  • Bouquet creations posting in the morning
  • It does not matter what time they are posted 
  • Bouquet creations posting in the evening

Explanation: According to the data that was supplied, the precise time of day when the most successful floral creations postings were made is not specified. It would be beneficial for Imra to examine the engagement metrics for these postings at various times throughout the day in order to be able to find the most appropriate timing. It is possible for her to determine the peak hours for uploading floral creations if she pays attention to the times of day when her audience is most enthusiastic and receptive. It is possible to get useful insights into the optimal publishing time for this particular material by conducting experiments in which posts are made at different times and carefully monitoring the performance data.

26. Imra started posting “How to” Instagram stories for various topics and noticed that her followers were very interested in these, based on the number of shares and impressions.  She is planning her next “How to” Instagram story videos for the following month, and wants to use her insights to determine which topics her followers would most be interested in.  Which topic should she choose?

  • Maintaining flowers
  • Color schemes for bouquets
  • Caring for house plants
  • Home Gardening 

Explanation: As a result of the fact that Imra's followers have shown a significant level of interest in the "How to" Instagram story videos, she has the ability to choose a subject that is congruent with the prior achievements. It is possible that she would want to take into consideration the subject matter that has previously garnered the greatest number of shares and impressions, provided that the data is accessible. Through the selection of a subject that has previously shown its popularity, she improves the possibility that her audience will continue to be engaged and interested in what she has to say. Delivering exactly what the consumers want is the most important thing!

27. Imra noticed a jump in new followers on Facebook on May 11. What could be a reasonable cause of that?

  • The “Flower of the Week” image on May 11
  • The Fair Trade Day content blog post on May 11 
  • The Tribute to Moms images on May 11
  • The Bouquet Creations image on May 11

Explanation: It is possible that a particular post or promotion that was published on May 11 and that connected strongly with the audience was the reason for the increase in the number of new followers that occurred on that day. If Imra had published information that was especially engaging, made a unique offer, or made a post that encouraged fans to invite their friends, it may have resulted in higher exposure and attracted new followers. It is possible to get insights into the source of the rapid surge in new followers by doing an analysis of the material that was uploaded on May 11 and finding any features that could have inspired interest or sharing.

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